Chapter Twenty One - Arguments

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"You're trying to reek havoc with my nerves Ross Poldark. £200 for letting smugglers use our cover? It will buy you a one way ticket to prison." I rant at him entering the parlour after our guest had left.

"I don't intend to be there." he replied

"Don't put me through that again. The fretting, not sleeping, the visions of your neck swinging from a noose at Bargus Crossroads." I continued with my rant

"If we were not in dire straits, I wouldn't do it. Today I learnt that George has bought up more shares in Wheal Leisure. With £200 we can keep our heads above water and Sawle can salt it's pilchards." he defended

"You'll have my life. Why is it okay for you to take risks when I may not take the boat out in calm waters?" I rubbed my hand against my sore stomach.

"Believe me, I have every intention of keeping on the right side of the law. Or at least the blind side." he headed into the study. I groaned in frustration.


Happy conversation between Henshaw, Ross and Zacky graced the halls of Nampara. I leaned against the door frame listening to the talk and laugh with one another.

"Someone's full of the joys this spring." Prudie commented

"Always is, when he's able to do something. It's sitting still and doing nothing he can't abide." I return and sit with Henry and help peal some vegetables for supper. Ross came in a few minutes after.

"Is it a secret and can all be revealed?" I smile happy to see him in good spirits.

"All in good time." he answered having some brandy

"Don't forget, you promised Henry you'd let him go riding with you today." He hummed

"Yes, I remembered. Oh and draw the curtains early tonight and ignore any sounds outside." he told us, my happiness diminished and smile faltered 

"And where will you be?" I inquire folding my arms

"Taking delivery of the cargo." he answered putting his coat on and picking up Henry

"Ross, you cannot." I deny standing up in protest

"Already arranged."

"The dis arrange it!" I call as he leaves with our son.


Ross briefly returned with Henry, only to leave again. As it grew dark, Prudie drew the curtains as I was reading to Henry, in partake to distract myself from what was going on outside. Demelza was letting out one of my dresses a bit more and Prudie sat down to play with a deck of cards.

Henry eventually fell asleep and I took him up to bed. shutting his door. Garrick looked up at me as I exited.

"Stay." he laid down infant of the door and I returned to the parlour, pacing back and forth. Garrick started barking upstairs and I turned sharply

"If them varmints come torching across out flower beds, I'll..." we heard door unlatch and close followed by footsteps. Ross returned.

"It's over." he stated

"Is it?" I sneered. The others made themselves scarce as I talked with my husband.

"Abigail, try to see this in a rational light. I'm home. The tide his high. There are no footprints on the beach. There'll be salt for the pilchards. And we are £200 less in debt than we were this morning. Is that not a cause to celebrate." he took my arm and I snatched it away.

"You went against my wishes." I huff shoving past him

"For the good of us both." he defends

"That you take risks you shouldn't take. You think you can do as you please when you expect me to do as you bid. That is not the woman you married!" I shout storming out and heading to bed.


I was hankering for some fish, i opened the cupboard to see that there was only one last piece eft in the salt. I turned to see Demelza and Jinny.

"Have a note sent to Francis inviting him down, please." Demelza was were but did as I asked

"Mr Ross won't like it." Jinny commented

"Mr Ross will have to deal with it." I retort and wait for Francis. Demelza returned alone

"Mr Francis is not home at present." she breathed heavily.

"Well then. On my own it is." I stood and headed down to the boat Garrick following after me.

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