Chapter Eighteen - A rough Pregnancy

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Out of the two pregnancies I had got through so far, this had to be the most difficult. I blamed it all on Ross of course who willingly took the blame. Ross, Henry and I were out on a walk, Henry who was running about in front of us rub back and crashed into my legs clutching on to me dress.

"What's the matter, my sweet." Ross lifted him up but he wriggled about holding his arms to me. I took him and rested him on my waist. That was when we saw Mr Vasco.

"Mr Vasco." Ross greeted. He was followed my a group of chained men and I summarised that's what had frightened Henry.

"Cap'n Poldark." he nodded to my husband

"May I ask where these men are headed?" Ross  wondered rubbing Henry's back in comfort. 

"Truro Jail, sir." Mr Vasco answered glancing back at them.

"And their Crime?" I wondered glancing at the down trodden men, who glanced at one another.

"Importing goods without paying the required duty. Some call it free trading." was the answer we received

"Some call it the only way to afford life's necessities." Ross countered. I felt Henry's sniffles  as he began to calm down.

"Brandy? Gin? These essentials, are they?" Mr Vasco wondered.

"Salt is."

"'Tis my duty enforce the law, Cap'n." Vasco defend himself. I lightly nudge my husband to not make a scene and he complied with my silent request.

"Your commitment is heart warming." Ross replied putting Vascoe's nose out of joint.

"Move out!" He called and they moved past us. I shook my head is discontent.

"You shouldn't rile him. Anytime you rile someone, it comes back to bite you." I scold

"I couldn't resist." he replies as we walk to look out over the view "I'm wanted at the mine." he explained turning to face me.

"And leave us, the shame." I prodded his jest "Supposed we met a footpad on the way home?"

"God help him." he kissed my cheek then Henry's head before heading to the mine.

"How about, we go fishing. Yeah?" Henry lifted his head up with a grin "Yeah, let's go." I put him down and took his hand making our way town to the beech.

"Brother or sister?" I ask as the two of us row out a bit. He thought about it.

"Sister!" he cheered making me laugh

"A little sister for big brother Henry hum." I stopped and pulled the oars in before throwing a line out. "Okay come here. Can you see the fish?" I posted with my free hand

"Fishes" he cooed "Fishes" I gelt a tug.

"Here we go." I pulled the line up much to Henry's delight and clapping of hands. We did this a few more times before I brought the boat back in.  Henry and I made the journey back home I singing as Henry danced around. Though I stopped seeing my sister.

"Is that wise with the current so strong hereabouts?" she wonders. I hold out my hand and Henry takes it.

"I know them well enough, sister." I answer

"Will Ross be happy?"

"He'll be happy with these. Besides whose to tell him where I got them?" I shrug "Say goodbye, Henry." he gave a small wave and we carried on our way. The two of us arrived back home to Demelza and Prudie talking

"So, how long will Jud be gone?" Demelza asks

"Don't talk to me of that slinking' g'eat lurker. Any excuse to shirk his chores an' study the inside o' Sally Chill-off's kiddley." Purdue complains as I put the basket to one side

"He's keeping his head down." I chuckle. Prudie slams her ball of dough on the counter.

"I'll keep his head down!" she grumbles

"I'll have less of that in front of Henry, please. He is picking up on everything these days." I groan in discomfort

"Is everything alright?" Demelza questions taking my side.

"I'm fine, they're just a kicker is all. Kicker in the most awkward of places. Excuse me." I left to relieve myself, this one's favourite was to go right on my bladder. Once I was done I laid out on the bed and eventually drifted off.

-3rd Perosn-

Ross returned home from the mine and removed his things before looking in on the parlour. Abigail wasn't there so he headed for the kitchen. Demelza, Prudie and Jinny were working as Henry played at the table.

"Where's Abigail?" he questioned

"She's upstairs, sir. She went up and ended falling asleep. The babe seems to be taking their toil on her." Demelza answered. Ross nodded sitting next to his son who gave him his horse. Demelza served supper and set a plate aside. about and hour later Abigail resurface to eat her supper before returning to bed.

"Mama?" Here questioned as Ross put him to bed that night.

"She's sleeping? Your brother or sister makes her feel very sleepy." he stated tucking him in

"Story." he looked up ad the marked book "Story." He insisted. Ross nodded and shifted around taking the book and continuing where Abigail left off. When Henry was asleep he joined a sleeping Abigail in bed and looked over some papers before falling asleep.

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