Chapter Forty Seven - Free oneself

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My sleep that night did not easily come, when it came to the next morning I was not as rested as I usually would have been.

"Give my best to her." I comment making my way past the library and heading for the kitchen."

"Was I not clear? I'm not going to Trenwith." I stopped and turned with my arms folded

"Oh, right . To Truro. Now I remember." he left through the back.

"Servant come from Werry house. Sir Hugh begs to know if you will attend the party." Demelza states

"Oh, shoot. I forgot to reply. Tell them we sincerely regret that Captain Poldark has been called away." she turned "Although, Mistress Abigail would be delighted to attend." I smirk. Then went to help train Henry to ride followed by Rebekah Grace. That afternoon I opened my chest and pulled out the finest new dress I bought as a late birthday present.

"I know what you're thinking, my friend. I don't blame you but no, good will come of it." I laid the dress back down and closed the chest.

"That will be all, Thank you Demelza." she curtsied and I turned  back and glanced down at the closed chest.


A servant carried my chest up as I followed behind and up the steps of Werry House. Sir Hugh noticed me

"Ah! Mistress Abigail! You ventured to trust yourself in my care, and left your husband by the fireside." I offered him my hand he kissed it and curtsied.

"Indeed I did. I decided it was not the weather or my mood for firesides or husbands." he laughed at what he thought was a joke. We made our way inside.

"Now, where have they put you for the night. Ah, yes! The red room." Sir Hugh gave me direction to the red room and I found it just as the servant put down my case and came out. I shut the door behind him and was quick to pour myself a glass of port. In all fairness I had no intention of stooping to the low corners my unfortunate husband had. But I did plan to drink a copies amount of alcohol , dance and for even if just a moment feel free. I heard voices outside and went to see who arrived. It was Captain McNeil.

Tearing myself from the window. I downed my port and and readied myself. By the time I made my way downstairs and into the gathering, I had already consumed half of the complimentary port. The music stopped and I felt all eyes on me which made me stand taller.

"Mistress Abigail. What a sight for sore eyes." he took my hand and kissed it.

"You're to kind. Perhaps you'll introduce me to your friends ." I suggest

"By all means." he guided me away and introduced me. I was happily conversing when I heard my name.

"Mistress Abigail." I turned to the aggravating tones of George. I curtsied and excused myself gliding over. "Is Ross not with you?"

"No, he's away on business. And my half sister? I answered and countered

"She has family matters to attend to." he answered

"I can only imagine." I smile sweetly tilting my head with a small smirk.

"May I introduce Mr Tankard?" We gave our respective greetings

"Your Servant Ma'am."

"He's a little shy and barely knows a soul. Will you take pity on him?" I refused to give some sly remark.

"Since you ask so nicely...for you. Do you dance, sir?" I ask

"I could be persuaded." he gave a stiff smile.

"Mistress Abigail, do you know our friend Margaret Vesper. Mistress Ross Poldark" George continued to introduce. I curtsy as does she. "I believe you two ladies have something in common."

"Is this where you say something and i have to resist the urge to slap you." I drawl quietly leaning over in his direction.

"I believe we do." Margaret confirmed

"And what, pray tell would that be?"

"Both devilish women who've only got to crook their finger the men coming running." I Chuckle.

"Who knew there were so many handsome men in Cornwall. It's fortunate that you shan't have the need to fear the compotition." He laughs flattered my compliment.

"I buried several husbands and serviced countless more. I've never seen the point about beating around the bush. If you have a fancy for someone, go up and ask them." Margaret commented

"That may be alright for you, but I quite like taking my time. I'd rather beat about the bush than get scratched or worn on by every bush I see." I narrow my eyes on her. I recognised her of course and Francis had told me about the mistake he made with her, one of many when he was filled with insecurities like me.

"Does your husband share the same delicacy." I was tempted to say that she should ask Elizabeth but I bit my tongue, for now at least.

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