Chapter Fifteen - Overtaken events

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-3rd Person-

Throughout the rest of the afternoon and the next day while Abigail rested upstairs. Ross and Demelza sold much of his stuff. Taking Emma to Sir Hugh, some of the animals, and just over half of the furniture and decorations. This also included Abigail's broach which was a struggle to get the full price back but in the end the made up the £400 to Pascoes happiness and surprise. When the two returned home Abigail was reading to Henry as Demelza and Prudie set about making something to eat.

Demelza brought up a tray of two bowls of broth  and some fruit setting it out. The two of us ate in silence. The breath being an interesting one and it had been the first time in a while that we had sat and eat together.

"While you're here there was something I was wanting to tell you. I...." There was a knock on the door and Dwight stepped through.

"Ah, have you come to adore our harvest?" Ross asked gesturing to the few balls they had on a plate.

"I hope to augment it, with an invitation from Trenwith." the room went a stoney silent as the invite lingered "And to check on my patient of course. How are you feeling?" Dwight cleared his throat.

"Still tired but a little better." Abigail answered.

"Good, that's good. Well I have discharged my duty for the night." he tipped his hat to them and left.

"Obviously we won't accept." he stated making Abigail sigh and tilt her head "Surely we cannot forget that it's thanks to them that we lost Jonathan and I almost lost you? Or that George is still a bosom friend." She had some more of her broth.

"Is he?" I ask "Last time I saw them in the same company, if looks could kill." I reply

"You'd have us overlook it?"

"Did I say that? To be honest i'm in no condition nor do I have the haste to go." She shrugged nonchalantly  finishing and then moving onto the apple.

"Then we're in accord?"

"I guess we are." There was a screech from downstairs, startling us. Abigail went to move.

"Stay there!" he told her and  she huffed in annoyance, knowing it was the right thing to do. Ross ran downstairs to be met with a distressed Prudie being consoled by Demelza.

"He'm dead! He'm dead! He's Mortal dead." Jus had been assaulted, found and brought into the kitchen where he laid upon the table. Ross had carried Abigail downstairs and sat her down "Who could have done such a thing? Head no enemies. He were the sweetest, kindlier, most peaceable cove a body could meet. And near a cross word did pass 'is lips." Purdue stated holding onto Demelza

"An' now I left a widow, all forlorn, without a penny in the world. Not even to bury the poor soul, God rest it." Purdue stepped forward

"There is this." Paul stepped forward holding out some coins "When we moved him they fell out of his pocket."

"Gold sovereigns? Gold Sovereigns? Where did he get such?" Purdue questioned

"Where indeed?" Ross muttered. Abigail slapped his stomach.

"Why , the mizzerly, mazzerly stinking', black worm! He had 'em about'm and' never tell me." Prudie ranted. Ross decided to take Abigail back upstairs.

"Hey, it was just getting interesting. That and I can walk myself, you don't have to carry me." she huffed

"You need your rest and you will get it. I will go back downstairs." he did so leaving his wife with a scowl.


Ross sat beside me on the bed reminiscing about Jud.

"I've known him since I was a child. He was the most useless servant under the sun. But he taught me how to smoke a pipe and cheat at loo." He reminded himself. I chuckled softly a couple of time "They left the money."

"Yes." I hummed

"Then it was no random attack." he summarised

"What, then?" I wondered confused

"Vengeance." he suggested

"What for?" I ask, why would somebody be vengeful towards him. He was an ass at the best of times but nothing to that extent in all the tie I have known him.

"You were in court. You heard his original statement. He was ready to testify against me." he recounted that day and I realised

"But then he did not." i had forgotten that detail in the midst of everything else

"What if he was paid to speak against me hence the 15 gunnies then changed his mind. George has played us all." he voiced

"To be honest, it doesn't surprise me. All he has ever wanted was your friendship and your respect, he's wanted it ever since your school days. You've denied him that. He can spin nearly everyone but you and it drives him insane." I stated remembering the confrontation the two of us had the night before. "What should we do?"

"It suits George to have myself and Francis at odds. Perhaps we should accept the invitation to Trenwith." Ross changed his mind

"If you're sure."

"Some things cannot be mended. But some can"

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