Chapter Forty three - Change of Fortunes

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That night I toss and turn in bed as restless thoughts keep me awake. I huff out a sigh and get up, to grab a book and my shawl heading downstairs and adding more wood to the fire. I curl up on the long chair and read.

"Is it Verity's news that keeps you awake?" I hear Ross. Looking up he's leaning against the door frame.

"possibly." I mumble returning to my book.

"I can't imagine what else it would be." He comes and joins me. I don't suppose he could, not that I would say anything for risk of being made to sound I'm crazy. I thought back to what Verity said.

I got the impression that she thought her fortunes were about to change

"Go back to bed, I'll be reading for a while." I mumble

"No, your fine. I'm okay here." he rests back and falls asleep.


The next day Captain McNeil pays us a visit, not much was said about the ordeal after the ambush,  but he had been injured after that.

"Is it not dangerous, Captain, riding when you're not recovered?" I wonder taking a sip of my tea.

"You leave me no choice. I was hoping you'd visit me as I convalesce. Or else that I'd receive an invitation to visit you." he smiled

"Last time you came without an invitation." I comment settling my cup on my saucer.

"That was n the course of duty. This is in the pursuit of pleasure."

"You upset my children, gave them nightmares that you were taking the Papa away, by storming in here at the dead of night." I replied dead pan. He looked down ashamed.

"I apologise for the suffering I've cause them and you."

"I'm made of much sterner stuff. I accept your apology, but as you can see my husband is not here." I smooth a part of my dress.

"Are you sure? On my previous visit you told me he was from home, yet we both know he was somewhere about the house." he countered

"Do we?" I drawl looking back up

"indeed. I thought it probable if I posted a watch long enough, where he was hiding." he smirked. My eyes narrowed at him.

"And did you post such a watch?" I inquire which made him chuckle.

"I did not. I have too great regard for you, ma'am" he answered "In truth my heart was not in it. I'm a soldier, not a spy. I hold nothing against Captain Poldark except he married a so charming a wife. So I trust you no longer hold anything against me for what I did." I hummed

"I accepted your apology and I'm obliged to you for what you did not do." I gave him a small smile and took my cup once more having a sip of tea.

"So now I'm forced to venture out for company and gossip. So what can you tell me? What news of your sister, mistress Elizabeth?" he asked making me confused

"I'm not sure I've heard nothing beyond my step mothers demise." I replied

"I thought you of all people would know."

"What do you hear?" I inquired setting my cup down

"Only that Sir Hugh Bodrugan, who shares a tailor with a certain person, tells me that certain person has just ordered his wedding clothes."


"Can you not guess? George Warleggan. Had you no idea?" he gossiped and my mouth went slightly ajar but I quickly recovered

"No. I mean I had a suspicion but that is different from it being a  fact" I glanced down then back up again.

"Well, no doubt you'll get to ask him at the ball." he responded

"The ball?"

"Sir Hugh is to hold a ball in a weeks time. I hope you'll favour me with the ecossaise." he hoped

"Yes, of course." I stood up "Thank you for calling, Captain McNeil. I must check on the children, excuse me." I calmly left the parlour and into the kitchen only to  rest my head against the cool window.

"What be wrong. Abigail." Demelza asked coming to my side. I turned around

"George Warleggan intends to marry Elizabeth." I told them

"Mr Ross will be surprised." prude commented

"Mr Ross will be livid. Not surprised." Demelza scowled "Besides them two deserve each other for all I care, she brings nothing but trouble on this house."

"Mr Ross mustn't be told. He'll find out soon enough but it won't be from any of us." I poured myself some run and gulped it down

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