Chapter Seventeen - Truth

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Upon my arrival there were not many lit rooms left when I entered. I figured that Ross must have retired so that is where I went. Yet I heard my sisters voice.

"That was long ago. And you've been more than happy since with Abigail." I stop calming myself to listen. I know I should't but I've always been curious.

"And you've grown up." I heard Ross reply. I turn and slowly walk over to the door.

"Not too much, I hope."

"Today in the fields you looked like the girl of 16. Your age when I first knew you." Ross answered and my happiness slowly drained for me as I listened to the conversation

"These past months have changed me has made me appreciate what I have rather than what I lack." Elizabeth explained

"It's very wise. After all, there's no point thinking about what might have been." Ross countered

"But you and I would never have been happy together. Our characters are too different." Elizabeth replied

"True. But cannot love overcome such obsticals?" Ross questioned as I listened intently "And surely there is a greater impediment. You could have never played the barmaid or scullery maid." I scowled at the door

"Perhaps I have hidden talents.." Elizabeth chuckled

"I don't dispute that. For somehow you've managed to bring the light back to Francis's eyes." 

"I can't imagine how."

"Can you not?." there was a long silent

"You should go to bed Ross or my sister will think you've gone astray." I turned on my heal and quickly made my way to my room. I undressed into my shift and grabbed my comb to do my hair as Ross entered

"You're still up." he smiled "I thought you retired long ago." he quietly shut the door behind him.

"I went out." i told him as I glanced at his reflection in the mirror.

"Out? Dwight...." I cut him off

"Prudie came. Jud's alive." I told him deadpan, going through my noted curls. He stopped mid removing his jacket to stare at me, via the mirror.


"Well, until Prudie kills him again." i shrugged  finishing off and getting into bed

"Jud's alive, How?" He questioned

"Ask me tomorrow, i'm exhausted." I blew the candles out on my side and rested my head on the pillow.

"Are you sure?"

"I saw him with my own eyes, had a right laugh at it too." my fists cleaned to the pillow "My sister looked well tonight."

"She did."

"The harpy thinks that were she not wed to Francis, she'd have half the aristocracy  at her feet." I comment peering at his reaction. He simply continued to undress.

"She is wed to Francis. And she seems content to be so." he came and sat on the edge of the bed "Do you remember our last christmas here. That christmas?" I relaxed thinking back

"When you first told me you loved me." I recollected

"And you first told me you were with child...or children as it turned out to be." I turned over

"It was different then, you were glad I was with child. Both of us in our first days of love. You wouldn't have looked twice at another woman."   the bitterness in my voice slipped out.

"Abigail. What man does not occasionally look at another woman. Or a woman occasionally look at another man." he wondered. I sat up and turned to him.

"What husband falls in love with one sister then out of love only to marry the second sister and still look at the first with love?" i sneer "She is my sister, Ross. My sister and you swore that you did not love her in that way anymore."

"My love, I do not." i scoff "What has made you so distressed." I got out of bed

"You, you have me so distressed. You love my sister, you don't love my sister, you care for her, you want nothing to do with her. You're happy to have a child then your not happy to have one. Your emotions flip and flap like a wailing fish. I cannot keep up."

"Abigail, I thought you had moved past this." he sighed

"Aye, you helped me move past it only to drag it back up again, well done." I raised my arms in the air in frustration.

"I love you Abigail. You and only you. I assure you." I hummed not really listening as I sat at the dressing table "Besides what man and woman of sense does not have qualms about bringing a child into the world.?" he went to kiss me but I dodged him moving to the other side of the room.

"Abigail?" I saw him finally understand something. I held my stomach protectively  .

"Yes, Ross. I know you don't want it, just another burden to you. But there's not prevention now so..." I trailed off

"How long have you known?" he asked me

"Since the trial." I admitted and he was crestfallen

"Good God. And not to tell me?" he breathed. I glared at him

"You said you didn't want another after Jonathan, you shot me down even broaching the subject. You even slowly distance yourself from Henry."  I pointed at him

"Nor did I. Nor do I. The very thought of it, another child to grow into our hearts and then be lost to us again. Could you bear it? I could not." he replied softly

"I would bear it. I would rather love  and risk it all than to never have another and be scared for the rest of my life." I wiped away the fallen tears

"If a child is coming, then that is different. The child is not a thought. It is flesh and blood." he came over to me and wiped a stray tear "If you can risk your heart again."

"I can." my breathing staggered

"Then so can I." he brought me into his embrace and I wrapped my arms around him.

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