Chapter Fourteen - Sacrifice

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Ross and I strolled through the woods as Henry played with Garrick in front of us. I was telling him how we could sell Emma to Sir Hugh and cover the interest.

"I'm not overjoyed to think of Sir Hugh in possession of Emma." he commented

"Neither am I, but you said she must be sold and I've sured a buyer. What else must go?" I question admit Henry's laughter

"Well, not the oxen. Without them we cannot plough. But the pigs, the chickens..." He listed off

"The clock."

"The carpet."

"The settle."

"At least one chair." we bounced off each other most of our possessions.

"We need to keep some of the animals, I have had the thought of selling what the produce and making money as a future investment. That and my brooch is worth at least £100." I voiced making him stop.

"It was a gift...But it may need to be sold in the end." I tapped his arm

"All will be well and in time when my inheritance come through we can pay off and buy back what we need ." I stumbled back a bit feeling a wave of sickness

"Is everything well, my love." I nod.

"Yes, just feel a little unwell." I answer, this pregnancy felt different and was a lot tougher on me than last time.

"Maybe, we should head back. Henry! Garrick! Let's go."  We headed back home and  I was taken to bed. "I will retrieve Dwight and be back shortly.

"No, Ross."I protested but it fell in deaf ears. Demelza took his place and sat next to me.

"You need to tell him." she insisted

"He never bloody sits still long enough for me to get the words out, it's irritating." I grumbled. A while later Dwight arrived and the two of us were left alone.

"You need not examine me. I know my ailment." I brush him off

"Ross said you were unsteady on your feet and felt unwell?" he sat next to me

"Yes, but not because I'v caught anything." I sighed "I'm with child." he sat up straighter taken aback.


"Ross doesn't know. In fact I think everyone but Ross knows at this point. He hasn't shown a care to have another child since loosing Jonathan, which in a way I understand." I answer rubbing my stomach "The books you've let Demelza read has helped, ginger water is a life saver."

"Well I'm glad I could help. I will however check you and the child." he stood

"But don't tell him. I some point." He nodded and gave me the once over.

"I am recommending you take at least a week's bed rest and to eat as much fruit and veg as you can stand. I will have Demelza make some more of the ginger water but with some honey." I nodded. He gave me a smile and took his leave. I let out a long breath looking down.

"I can tell that you're going to be just as troublesome as your Papa, little one. You're not even here yet." The door opens and Ross steps in.

"Dwight just left. Bed rest and plenty of love and care." he kissed my head "I couldn't bare to think..." he trailed off

"I'm fine or a will be, don't worry yourself." I tried to assure him "Look, take Demelza with you to the market. She'll be reluctant to leave Prudie in charge but I'm going to sleep. And sell Emma to Sir Hugh." I tell him he went to protest.

"No, you need to clear this interest as quickly as possible. No protesting. Go." I send him on his way. He does so reluctantly. I hear movement about the house when Prudie brings Henry into our room.

"He wanted to be with you Mistress."

"It's fine, I think it's almost time for your sleep anyway. Come on." he climbed in next to me "Thank you Prudie." I slip down and close my eyes falling into a deep slumber.

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