Chapter Twenty Nine - Sadness

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My birthday came at a sombre time, in the months after Francis' death. Not that much special could be done, I was fine with that but I was surprised when a package came.

"Who's it from?" Ross questioned. There was no attempt at a smile like he was trying to be coy. I glanced at the note attached and my breath stopped for a moment "Abigail?" I cleared my throat before answering

"Mistress Abigail Poldark. Mr Francis Poldark purchased this the day of his passing and requested that it be delivered on this date." i read out the put the note to one side and opened the box it was a simple necklace wit red ribbon, jewel and a pearl droplet. Tucked into the lid of the box was a card.

Never doubt your worth, Francis.

"Excuse me." I ran up stairs and cried. I just cried

---A few weeks later---

I handed Ross his satchel as he was off once more. He needn't say where because it was rarely the same place.

"I'm to Trenwith, to see Elizabeth." he stated

"Is Verity's company not enough for her?" I asked. Admittedly in the months since Francis' death, the two us drifted apart while her and Ross became closer. Ross rode off which annoyed me to no end but I refused to say another word. I return inside and make up supplies only to hid them in a small horde.

"Are you hiding food again?" Demelza asks seeing me do so.

"Not a word to anyone. It in case of emergency." I close the wall back up

"I don't know why you horde, you will be an heiress in a matter of days, you can pay off the debts and return what was lost." she leans against the door frame

"Weeks, Wainwright has conveniently called away over the holiday period. He won't be back till after christmas. I was just informed." I grumbled

"Aye, what'd he do that for, you've been waiting years for this." she scowled

"And if it wasn't for the Warleggans I wouldn't be doing this but you know it will be any day before they serve notice.


I dropped my plate and cup on the table sitting down across from my husband and next to my children.

"Oh, yes...Pascoe's asked to see me. He's relied word from the Warleggan's regarding my promissory note." I scoffed shaking my head

"Can we not appeal to our wealthier friend, at least save you from debtors prison until i can take charge of my inheritance? Speak to people." I insist

"That's not how I work." he replies which only aggravates me more

"So it's against your principles? No, Ross It's against your bleeding Pride" I retort but he paid no heed to my annoyance.

"This stew is incredible." he complimented. I huff out a breath and grab my food

"I'm going to eat with the others."

-3rd Person-

Ross and Dwight dined together when Demelza brought in the dinner and curtsied.

"Demelza, where's Abigail?" He questioned

"Mistress Abigail and the children has travelled to Killewarren to visit Mr and Miss Penvenan, Sir." she informed him.


At Killewarren Mr Penvenan and Abigail waled through the gardens as the children ran about chasing each other.

"Miss Caroline returns today, does she not?" Abigail wonders

"Yes, she does and I hope that she returns with some happy news, though I shan't hold my breath for her doing so." she laughed but it soon died down.

"My dear what is it?" he wondered just as Caroline arrived

"So this is where i find you, a still with Mistress Abigail and her two? Is is good to see you again." she smiled

"You too, Miss Caroline." she bowed her head

"I absolutely insist you drop the Miss. And with my dearest uncles Grace he will lend you to me, so you can tell me all that I have missed." Mr Penvanan laughed

"By all means." He left the two women alone to talk.

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