Chapter Thirty Three - Ross Departure

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I lived for the bliss that the children slept in, for Ross and I could not. P and Jud were downstairs arguing with the occasional insult from Dfmlza to shut up because she couldn't sleep.

"Conjugal bliss. A rare commodity." Ross commented as the two of us laid awake in bed.

"Yes" I simply replied then turned over and blew out the candle taking the moment of quiet to finally fall asleep.


The next morning I made my way into the study as Ross looked over the sketches for Wheal Grace. I rest my hand on his shoulder as I glanced over them as well.

"How long will you be gone?" I wonder.

"Two days. Depends on the weather. The one and all will load goods in France and return to collect me. I'll be taking Henshaw and Paul." he stated "Mark will be glad to see his brother. Henshaw knows Grace like the back of his hand. He'll have questions for Mark which might not occur to me." Ross began to roll up papers he wished to take with him.

"Do you really have to go? It's not like we're up to our eyes in debts anymore." he turned back to me.

"And I thank you for that. But I refuse to let you put your inheritance into the mine. We have two weeks left. After that the pumping engine stops and so does Grace." He headed himself and said goodbye to the children  before turning to me. I kissed him goodbye before he mounted his horse and rode away.

"Don't 'ee worry maid. Old Jud will be on the case." Purdue assured me

"Well that would make all the difference." I comment glancing at her. We headed back inside

"Abigail, you know when you said that you think I ought to be looking, you know for..." she trailed off

"Has someone else aside from the good doctor caught your eye?" I grinned

"Well, it's not that he's caught my eye, rather than I've caught his. Paul Daniel, he be getting ideas to come more often for my attention and affection." She scowled

"Do you not wish him to? Who knows between the three of us we may have a chance a stopping them from doing something stupid." I began to cut up the turnips "Or was I right and your eye has fallen on someone else." she looked down

"Who" she didn't answer but I shared a smile with Prudie and continued on what I was doing.


Later on I sat with Henry teaching him the basics of the harpsichord. When the door to the study opened and Demelza came in with Rebekah Grace on her his and Dwight behind her.

"Dwight." I chime. "Keep practicing." I tell Henry then leave him on the chair to stand up and greet my friend. Demelza moves past me to sit with Henry.

"I...I didn't mean to disturb you. I called because Ross is usually home by now." He stated

"Ross is away for a few days. Is it urgent?" I wonder

"Ur...not in the ordinary sense." he seemed rattled

"Demelza will you take the children into the library and ask Jinny to make us some tea." I place back at her. She takes the children on ahead and I take Dwight into the parlour, closing the door behind us.

"I know Ross won't mind me feeling you about this he's gone with Trencrom's ship, dropping him off at the Scilly Isles to meet with Mark Daniel. The the one and all will pick up Ross and bring him home, when they anchor off our cove for the drop." I inform him clasping my hands together and walking further into the room.

"It seems a lifetime since that night, when you stood between me and Mark." he voiced

"He would have killed you."

"I'd have welcomed it. Yet you stopped him with that punch. I'd betrayed everyone and everything I held most dear, but thats the last thing I want to remember tonight." I made my way to sit  down at the table. "I came to tell you I'm leaving." my head tilted

"To be with Caroline?" I assumed

"How did you guess?" he chuckled. I rolled my eyes, he forgot that I was the observant one out of Ross and I.

"To marry her?" he nodded "Oh, Dwight." I beamed

"But her Uncle forbids it. So we must do it in secret. We leave on Friday night." he informs me with a sad smile.

"Can't you stay here?" I wonder

"Not within her uncle's reach. And, besides, I owe it to Caroline to start afresh in a new town, where my history with Karen is unknown."  I hummed din understanding

"I'm happy for you, though you will be sorely missed by everyone here, despite what has happened in the past." I stood and went to take his hands

"I want you to know, and you to tell Ross how much I owe to you both. Leaving like this it's,'s a great sorrow to me."

"Marrying for love is nothing to grieve about. Worry about us and our complaints till Friday, then build your new life as if we had never been.

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