Chapter Twenty Five - Turning Moods

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Francis and I were laughing and joking with each other after the meal when Elizabeth came over to us. I had to steady myself by holding onto his shoulder.

"What is so funny sister? I haven't seen you quite amused in such a long time." she commented. I caught my breath.

"I... I was just telling Francis what happened the night Jud woke up. He hadn't heard it before." I hummed in delight.

"Ross' manservant, wasn't he assaulted?" she questioned

"Yes, that's not what's funny though. What funny is that the silly begger wakes up in his winding and instead of questioning his wife as to why..." Francis finishes of my sentence

"He gets up and goes to the tavern where he scares everyone to death but still sits down and has some ail. Only to come home and scare everyone." Francis chimed holding onto my waist.

"Ah not forgetting the gaul he had to question Prudes widow weaves. And then he grabs the last bit of brandy and pie before slinking off home. Poor Prudie fainted clean away when she saw him standing at the door."

"Poor Prudie indeed." Elizabeth didn't find it as funny as Francis and I did. Yet the two of us carried on with our interpretation of T'int fit T'fair T'int proper.

"How much to drink have the two of you had?" She inquired

"Us, drink?" I question back giving Francis a confused look "We are perfectly sober, right brother?"

"That we are, sister." he snorts in amusement

"My Friends, my friends." Mr Penvenan called everyone to attention. The music stopped and we sobered up and calmed down. Ross rejoined us " I thank you one and all for joining me on this auspicious  occasion. My dear niece, Caroline, will soon no longer be under my charge. For in December, she comes of age. But before that. I do believe I have to resign her to the care of another." I shared a smirk at Francis then with Ross

"Unwin?! Where is he?" Mr Penvenan wondered "Caroline?"

"I believe I saw him heading for his horse" Caroline answered "Oh dear I hope I haven't said anything to upset him. Shall we have some dancing?" The music began again.

"Come on, hand it over." I say to Francis holding out my hand. He groaned and dug into his pocket fishing out a couple of guineas.

"What's this?"

"Abigail bet me that despite the rumours. Caroline would not announce an engagement this evening." he dropped the coins in my hands.

"Francis!" Elizabeth scolded

"It's a couple of coins sister, nothing major. Now, Francis the odds of Dr Enys and Caroline?" I asked

"Abigail, may I have this dance." Ross interrupted

"You may. Francis this conversation shall resume." I took his hand and we made our way out onto the floor. Francis and Elizabeth joined. As promised I had Ross' undivided attention for the rest of the night.  I did at one point catch each cousin crossing word with George. But both of them returned

-3rd Person-

Elizabeth and Ross watched their other halves take the next dance together. Both of them were laughing like they had not a care in the world.

"Our respective partners have become closer than ever in the past couple of years." Elizabeth commented

"They have." Ross agreed his eyes focused on his wife, with a small smile at her happiness

"To the point where they now have inside jokes and share split ending laughter." Elizabeth continued, a small spark of jealousy. She loved her sister, Elizabeth noticed that Abigail had the talent of turning the sourest of hearts.

"Abigail has an odd way of turning moods." he smiled as they came to a finish.

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