Chapter Forty Eight- I never would

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I was left alone with George and mr Tankard when I turned to the latter with a broad smile. I was here to enjoy myself and for once be free.

"Shall we dance...."

"Mistress Abigail." I turn to come face to face with Captain McNeil.

"Captain McNeil." I greeted with a curtsy.

"What a happy coincidence. May I escort you to supper?" he offered, which I was only happy to oblige to a friendly and familiar face.

"Now that you mentioned it. I have worked up an appetite."

"And I'm a great believe in indulging such a thing." he offered his arm which I took but turned back to Mr Tankard.

"Please excuse me sir. You may reclaim me presently." I chime then make our way to dinner.


I had lost the care to watch how much I drink and refrain myself from having any fun. I was free to do all that. I dance with Sir Hugh, Captain McNeil and Mr Tankard. going from one to the other and ending in a spin with the Captain as the dance came to an end. I held a hand to my speeding heart.

"Oh, I'm so hot, i think I might faint." I laugh breathlessly

"'Tis fortunate you have someone to catch you." McNeil assured "And now.. I have some sad news. Tomorrow i leave to rejoin my regiment."

"Oh, that is sad, I think I might weep." I commented

"So I wonder as a special favour tonight would you consider...calling me Malcolm." I internally gave a sigh of relief at the end of the sentence.

"In return you wish to call me Abigail?" I ask

"Tis a very pretty name. What does it mean?" he wondered as I calmed my breathing.

"My Papa once told me  it means cause of joy or as he affectionally referred to it father's joy." I informed him

"I would rather it meant 'my joy'" his implication brought down the high of euphoria I had been feeling and I began to feel closed in.

"It's rather beginning to feel close in here."  I cleared my throat.

"Shall we go get some air in the garden." he offered me his hand and I took it. The two of us walked out and we strolled through the garden.

"Are you cold? May I fetch a wrap?" He asked

"I forgot to bring one, quite silly of me in everything else that I remembered." I answer

"I'm glad of it. For I know a better way to warm you."

"Malcolm." I began, stopping him "I'm afeared that my actions, my temperament have lead you down the wrong path."

"Whatever could you mean?" he asked

"I mean that I am flattered by your attentions and your care for me in such pressured situations but I am a married woman. A married woman who takes her vows seriously even though I am here alone tonight." I reply "It is a curse that I have truly only began to notice, the want and lust from the soul in your eyes as well as other and if i was unwed I would...I might expand on it but I cannot.

Just as I cannot have the will to not say something. It would be cruel of me to not say something and have you hurt when I do not reciprocate in the way you wish." He took a step back and gave a small smile.

"Abigail, your virtues know no end. It is true, I admit I find you enthralling and to be close to you it excites me. But I thank you for not leading me astray and not giving me something to hope for." he bowed before me.

"I will return to the party, will you join me?"

"I would be happy too." he escorted me back inside and we rejoined the party. It soon began to wind down and I made my way back to my room. Sitting down in front of the mirror I stared at my reflection

I never would.

The words repeated in my head that I would not stoop to that level and especially in revenge. I locked my door and closed the curtains before washing my face and clearing the fog in my brain before undressing into my shift and slipped on my robe. The began to comb my hair.

"Damn, blast and set fire to it!" my head snapped up as I heard Sir Hughs voice

"What the blazes!" I set my comb down as I make my way to the door.

"I believe you're lost, sir. Your room is on the east side." Sir Hugh grumbled

"Thank you, sir I know where my room is, and to whom this one belongs." It was Mr Tankard. Both were out there having an argument.


"Damn it, sir, she as good as invited me. Now, why don't you scuttle off and turn a blind eye." I covered my mouth as I tried to hide my giggles maybe it was the drink that found it amusing.

"Blind eye? I was going in there, myself." Sir Hugh retorted

"Don't tell me she hinted you." Mr Tankard chuckled. I couldn't i unlocked my door and sung it open

"Actually I didn't invite anyone." They jumped and turned in shock. I folded my arms and gave them a pointed look.

"There seems to be a lot of mixed signals tonight, so i will make this crystal clear. I am married, a loyal, devoted wife who wanted one night of fun like the old days. To feel free, be merry and drink so much alcohol. I disappoints me that two men of your calliper should dare to think that I would stray. Now if you apologise and leave, we shall speak no more of this night and you may leave with your pride and dignity intact. Refuse and I will be forced to tell every lady I come across and what untrustworthy,  advantage taking dogs you are. What will it be?"  They looked at each other then back at me.

"Our Apologies Mistress Abigail." They bowed and went their separate ways

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