Chapter Twenty Eight - Know the worth

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I was setting up for supper when Francis came in. He seemed in good spirits as I was tidying up from dinner.

"Francis. To what do I owe the pleasure? If your looking for Ross, he's not yet returned from Truro." I greeted he  laid out two rocks on the table and my eyes narrowed


"I hardly dare hope. But yes, yes, I think it might be." I moved around the table to pick up the sample and let out a small laugh "I must get back to the mine. Will you have Ross take a look when he returns?"

"As long as you look in on the children before you do. They miss their uncle. Better yet stay and ask him yourself. He'll be relieved." I suggest

"It's my dearest wish to be of used to him to make amends." I didn't say anything "You didn't ask me what amends I needs to make."

"I believe that you have, for whatever you have done. Just as I hope that I have done the same." I answer taking his hand "I do not need to know."

"But you do. Years ago, when the Carnemore Copper Company fought for it's life, George came to me one evening. Verity had left and I blamed you for her marriage. And in my rage I gave George the names of the shareholders. I suspect Ross, and you have some inkling but I've never had the courage to come and tell you outright. But you can't rebuild a friendship by ignoring what destroyed it, now you know. I'll go now."

"Francis, you are a changed man from those years ago." i stopped him "You are my friend and brother. Yes you reacted in a way that was hurtful but we have forgiven one another and come out stronger than ever. If we break now, we'll only hurt each other more. One bad thing doesn't outshine the good. Life and actions require a balance."  I stated

"You believe that?"

"I have had to, and so must you because in the face of adversity it can be our only light." he clutched my hand

"No wonder Ross loves you."

"You suppose he still does." I look down feeling comfortable to voice my insecurities to him.

"You doubt he does." he raised my chin up, to reveal the tears that wanted to usher from my eyes, but I daren't let them.

"I know it's silly. But sometimes I think he loves Elizabeth better" my voice cracked

"Let me tell you something, Abigail." he sat us down "You have one failing and that is you don't think well enough of yourself. You have had the most spectacular journey of growth I have seen. You have taken every challenge and battled through it like the warrior you are. You the beloved bastard daughter turn barmaid, kitchen maid and finally Mistress of Nampara, marrying into this ancient family. You took it's standards as your own. So you mistake your own value. Ross was a wise man when he chose you and he will not forget it." he assured me.

"Yet Elizabeth is...Elizabeth. His first love. I never been able to compete with perfection where my sister is concerned." He wipe away a fallen tear.

"You must do away with the notion that someone has done you a favour by letting you into this family. You more than anyone, Elizabeth included has earned your place here. Promise me you will never forget that." he asked and I gave him a watery smile

"I'll try." he stood and took my hand kissing it before leaving the kitchen I heard him look in on the children before returning to the mine.  I headed out side to the pump to freshen myself.


I fed Henry and Rebekah then washed them before reading them a story for bed and watching them  fall asleep. When Ross returned home he looked a little worse for ware.

"My debt is in the hand of the Warleggans. By christmas I must find £1,400." He huffed sitting himself down.

"Then we shall pay it.  By then I will be of age and finally I will be allowed access to my inheritance." I shrug

"No, I will not have you waist your money on bailing me out." he grumbled. He was so stubborn, as if i would listen and let him be carted of to debtors prison. Demelza came rushing in

"Some's come from Trenwith lookin' for Mr Francis." She breathed heavily

"I thought he was at the mine. He dropped some samples off with the intention of going back there." I answer

"At this hour?" Ross looked back to me.

"He was most insistent. But we can go and check." I rose to my feet "Demelza send word to Henshaw." she nodded and we rode out. Henshaw met us there in the office. Francis' hat and coat were still here

"I came as soon as I could. Is it Mr Francis?" Henshaw asked

"I think he may still be down below. No one's seen him in hours. Abigail, wait here." the two of them left. Demelza came down with a shawl and wrapped it around me.

"Thank you, my friend."

"I'm sure he'll be alright." she assured just as Dwight arrived

"Captain Henshaw sent for me. Is it an accident?" he inquired

"Francis is missing." I answered my voice wavering at the thought. My worst fears turned true when Ross, Henshaw and Zacky brought up a body, Francis' body.


Everyone attended the funeral of our fallen friend and family member. I stood loyal by Elizabeth's side in comfort. Holding her hand tightly.  Ross embraced her as she sobbed at the casket in front of us.

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