Chapter Forty Six - Great Lady

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I slipped out of bed and took out my  quill and paper, bringing  to write as if I couldn't get the words out fast enough. I had one friend aside Demelza that I thought to write to in hopes of some different comfort. Once  done, I finally dressed and made my way downstairs and into the study to seal the letter, then into the kitchen.

"Good Morning , Jud. I hope you would be able to see a letter gets to the right place. A few Guinness for the trouble." I handed him the letter and the money.

"Aye, mistress." he left.

"Demelza, Prudie. I doubt it will be for long but will you have a bed made up for Mister Ross in the library.  Turning on my heal I beamed as I crouched down in front of the children who were playing. I join them for a while.

"A letter's come for Mister Ross. I've put it on his pillow." Demelza stated and I nod in acknowledgement.

"Who's hungry?" I took the children to the table where Demelza served the three of us food. Ross came in as I cut up the apple for Rebekah Grace.

"Abigail." he called me but I carried on with what I was doing "We cannot continue like this. If you can at least see it from my perspective."

"Soon you'll be asking me to see if from my half sisters." I replied


"Of course it's no mystery. I admit it has taken me a while to fully believe that she is just as poisonous  as her wretched mother. I bet she can't wait to have you installed in her house. Or in her bed." I smiled through the words as I ran my hand through Rebekah Grace's locks


"Though I do suspect that's exactly what she said in her letter."  I cleared my throat. Just then Henry comes down from his seat and around to me in attempt to wrap his little arms around me.

"What letter?"

"It came about a hour ago." I answer then kiss Henry's head lifting him onto my lap "Doubtless, she wonders what's keeping you and her from victory. We wonder that ourselves, don't we Rebekah Grace?" The young girl jumps down from her chair and skips over to Demelza.

"May I see it?" he holds out his hand and I glance up at him.

"It's in the library. On your pillow." he nods and leaves. He returns 10 minutes later as Demelza takes Henry and Rebekah Grace  out of the parlour.

"I may be out late tomorrow night." he informed me "I'm going to Truro. And I'm unsure as to when I'll be back." I sigh wistfully

"Spare me the theatrics, Ross. 'I'm going to Elizabeth'  with suffice" he scowled at me

"The letter was not from her."

"Of course it wasn't." he held it out to me but then set it on the table.

"Here. Read it if you wish. Richard Tonkin has been released from debtors prison and wishes to see me, no doubt to ask if I can assist him the way I did Harry Blewitt when Carnemore collapsed, as you know I've no money to spare." he summarised

"Pity, you'll miss the Bodrugan party." I comment

"That's the least of my regrets . Abigail." He came and sat down across from me. "I would never... deliberately hurt you. You of all people must know that ."

"Must I, Ross." I cut him off "So I'm to assume that you inflict pain by accident and without a second thought?" I question

"In the moment, I admit it, there was no thought of you. Or of the pain I might have cause. It was if I was possessed." he tried to defend himself. I scoff in actual amusement

"You know what that makes complete sense. A greater power cause me pain, not you. The two of you helpless to resist it." every word was dripping with sarcasm.

"In a way, yes. Perhaps I might have hoped for some.. understanding, knowing you as I do." he struggled

"You see, now your just insulting me further. For that assumption I should punch you again on principal." I slam my hands on the table " I am a fighter! I am a survivor! I am many things but I am not stupid. Your actions, your actions that you did broke me. Yet you have the gaul to sit here and say that I should be understanding? That I should understand and respect your decision to leave me, leave our children in the dead of the night to see the whore I'm related to? What else would you like me to do? Throw myself off Hendrawna cliff so that you may bury me at your convenience  and wed again at your leisure." he shifted back his hands hiding under the table

"I don't blame you for your anger, but how does it serve us now?"

"Serve us?" I laugh "How do you serve us. How does this serve us" I swipe the tables contents onto the floor and storm out.

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