Chapter Twenty Three - Time Skip

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-A year later-

With Rebekah Grace swaddled to my chest and Henry's hand in mine the two of us were making our weekly visit to the villages. Yet when we arrived the military soldiers were making another arrest and shoving, Ted, being one of them, past us. I went to see what was happening.

"Where were they arrested?" I wonder. I need not ask why because these days it was always for 'Free Trading'

"Tregunna cove."Rosina answered

"Tregunna?" I asked surprised, they were slowly closing in on Nampara

"You may well be surprised" Jacka, Rosina's father added from behind me

"Last place anyone'd expect a landing."

"Tis why we chose it. Tis full of rocks and un easy currents."

"So what it just Bad luck or did someone betray us?" I question, I had prayed never to be included in such dealing but due to our financial difficulties. Ross had agreed and now we had no choice.


"Come, Master Henry, Mistress Rebekah, Lets get you all scrubbed up!" Demelza chimed taking the children for the bath

"Ross, I don't think it's a good idea you should go." I voiced my concern

"Ted is one of my tenants and workers." he replied glaring over some Wheal Grace documents.

"And a fellow free trader! Imaging how it would look if you're seen to sympathise. It not worth the risk especially while you still remain in your extra curricular activities. Three drops already in our cove this year." I tried to make him see reason

"But this wasn't our cove." he rebuffed "And no one can point the finger."

"Yet." I scowl

"What would you have me do?" he asked holding out his arms

"Not go to court. And tell Trencrom he may no longer use our cove." I stated folding my arms

"And save himself our fee? So we have even less coming in? Is that what you want" he questioned

"We no longer need the money with my inheritance finally being realised in the next couple of months. I can help pay of the rest of our debts and we can finally be back on track." I insist "Are you not fearful, the prospect of one of our own betraying us?"

"Of course, I'm concerned. I'll be on my guard." he came over to he holding my face in his hand "I will look twice at even our closest friends" he tried to assure me but it didn't work.

"But you'll still go to court." I was more of a statement now He was a stubborn as a mule, Half the time it was pure fluke if I ever changed his mind and it would have worked by now.

"I think I must."

"I'll get my coat then." I turn on my heal and grab my nodded coat and gloves. With our kisses and Goodbyes to the children we rode into town. We took our places and it began. It was about an hour later when Mr Vascoe was finishing up his statement.

"An' that conclude my evidence, Your Worship. Only to add that I hope 'ee see fit to send these men to the gallows. For how else may we break our shores of this iniquitous trade?" I folded my arms and rolled my eyes. I was disapproving to the trade as much as anyone, but these men didn't deserve to lose their lives and Mr Vercoe was ever the one for the dramatics.

"We thank you for your diligence, Mr Vercoe. You may stand down" I leant it to Ross' ear

"He could put shakespeare actors to shame, don't you think?" I wondered and glanced at his reaction as he tried to hide his smile. Francis is Magistrate and the other  idiot as I had now dubbed him deliberated.

"Sentence to three months hard labour." I breathed a sigh of relief. Francis was at the heart of that decision all knew it. Ted and the others were taken away and the court dispersed. I linked my arm through Ross and  strolled with Francis as we made our way back to our horses

"I'd take my hat off to you Francis. You played him at his own game. Something I've never achieved" we chuckled at my husbands comment

"So, can you live with yourself" I inquired

"Oh, I think so. I know for a fact that Halse has brandy in his cellar which came from such a run." he answered "Don't let that reassure you. With an informer at large, this won't be the last case that comes before the court. And our friend Halse will be keen to make the next man pay." Francis warned. He was right, magistrate couldn't always be easy, I just prayed it wouldn't be as hard on the next ones.

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