Chapter Twenty Six - Dangerous Waters

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We had returned home and was now in bed, I had checked in on the children before doing so and they were sound asleep.

"So, what was Elizabeth saying to you?" I wondered. Ross came and knelt next to me on the bed.

"Nothing of importance." he assured. I took it because I was in that good of a mood and had no wish to ruin it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss


The next morning Prudie and I were heading to the fields to begin the planing of the seeds for next harvest.

"I'll expect Jud will be waiting for us to finish the planting before he gracious' us with his return." I joked

"Don't speak of that lizard to me." she grumbles with a small smile

"Maybe he's the informer." i laughed

"That Braggashans? He's too loose lipped to keep his trap shut." Prudie retorted. We heard neighs and gallops. We turned our attention to the house.

"What do he be wanting, smarmy around here, bold as brass." Captain McNeil dismounted and I sighed

"Whatever it is, I will have my charming smile and attitude to deal with it. Because as always Ross is never here to do so. I'll send Demelza out to help you." I handed my things over to her and headed back to the house.

"Captain McNeil, welcome back to Nampara." i curtsied

"The pleasure is all mine, ma'am." he bowed

"Demelza will you help Prudie attend to the fields. Jinny could we have some tea." I asked of them and they curtsied

"Yes, Mistress." they headed to do their jobs and I gestured to enter the parlour where we took a seat. Jinny was quick with bringing in the tea and I served us.

"So what brings you here today? My husband or my husbands antics?" I wondered making him chuckle

"While I was passing your husbands mine, I came upon a man who was bruised and bleeding. His name was...Vigus?" he began

"Yes, I know him. He works there on tribute." I reply glancing up.

"He tells me there's a lot of ill feeling about on account of the rumours." he continued as I set the pot down and poured the milk


"Of an informer." he clarified though I already knew the rumours. "Ah, you're so out of the way here, perhaps the tales do not reach you. At any rate the rumours make people tetchy." he took ups cup and I did the same.

"Whoever gave Vigus a beating must have strong suspicions to his involvement in the trade." he took a sip.

"And were you able to discover the identity of the perpetrator ?" I inquired. If so help me Ross did anything, he would not here the end of it.

"No, I was not minded to at this stage. I hope the assailant will realise his error and not repeat it." he drank some more and I copied "One can only feel for the man's wife, having such a temper to contend with."

"It may surprise you that some wives can hold their own if confronted  with such a situation." I commented.


Henry was showing Rebekah Grace his horse and how to play with it as I mended some clothes upon Ross' return.

"McNeil payed a visit earlier." I told him

"Encouraged by your smiles from last night, no doubt." he grabbed the bottle of brandy and a glass.

"No actually. Driven by the beating you gave Nick Vigus. I'm presuming it was your handy work  anyhow." I retort "You try to jest that he comes here for me, but what if he actually comes for you. What if he knows something?"

"Like what?" he sighs

"Your dealings with Trencrom. The more he comes calling..." I trail off

"The more likely he is to sniff something out. You cannot now offer discouragement without arousing his suspicions." I scoff

"So now your blaming me? Not once since I've met him have I ever intentionally encouraged  an affection beyond a host and guest or two guest equally." I pointed in defence.

"I know, my love. But he does have some sort of affection towards you, wanted or not do not discourage it." He asked of me.

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