Chapter Forty - The Mill

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I had invited Demelza to join us and carry another basket of food. The four of us walked down to Wheal Grace and had her in our sights.

"Trevithick reckons his engine should last fifty years." Captain Henshaw commented

"I'm sure he's right?" Ross replied as we came out front.

"Well, given the opportunity." We came to a stop in front of Paul and Ted who were waiting for us.

"Tis worth a look Captain." Ted offered "Mistress Demelza" he bowed his head towards my friend who smiled. I noticed that Mark Daniel scowled between the two. I'm confused. How many now had eyes for our Demelza.

"You'll not be disappointed" Paul added "Mistress Demelza." he dipped his head

"Will you be joining us Ma'am?" Ted asked me

"No, I think not. but do take my assistant, I'm sure he can handle it. Just make sure he reports back to me." I gave Ross a coy look and the four of them left. I took Demelza's arm and we headed off to see Betty.

"I'm trying to understand. You liked Dr Enys but since he's in love with Caroline, your eyes feel on Captain Henshaw. Yet just now both Ted and Paul had the doe eyes for you and you seemed to blush at Ted's greeting. Demelza Carne you must be the most sought out woman in Cornwall." I laugh as we step over the stones of the stream.

"Away with 'ee. Who I like and don't like is me own business. Though before you ask and I know you will. I only wish for a man that is kind and true. And he will let me continue  to work for you and Mister Ross." she gave me a look that ended this conversation and we arrived at Betty's meeting up with Rosina in the process. The three of us enter.

"Betty." I call upon entering. She is at the tub washing clothes

"Ah. It's true? A keenly loads found and the mine saved?" She asked full of hope of her pregnant self.

"I wish it to be true." I reply

"I'll save my wishes for an easy birthing." she joked rubbing her stomach

"Now that is wishful thinking." I grinned

"Good day to you, ladies." Dwight entered and stood behind me. I gave him a welcoming smile

"Don't 'ee fear Betty. If anyone can make it right, 'tis Dr Enys." Rosina dotes on our friend

"What it is to be a miracle worker these days." Dwight checked her over and we left our food with her and left with him.

"Betty seems fair." Demelza comments

"I wish she was stronger. But then all these people are half starved." Dwight replies to her.

"She's braver than she looks." I say

"She wants me at the birthing. Though in truth, she's as well off with you and Mrs Zacky." I nodded in understanding

"It would make it easier to know she will be tended by a man of learning." I counter

"A man with little experience"

"That's not so." Demelza defended "You helped with Mistress Rebekah and what you did for Rosina. Was that not practical." speak of we came upon her again.

"It was indeed." she answered

"Has your knee given you any trouble since the ambush?" Dwight wondered

"No sir and I'm that grateful. What would have happened if 'ee hadn't come to help me?" I smile amused at her adoring him. He seemed oblivious to it which made it all the more amusing.

"You'd be married to Charlie." Demelza retorted

"Melza!" I exclaimed

"Never snowed he was the informer. 'Tis better this way" she went back home and we carried on walking.

"Is it? If you hadn't helped Rosina..." I trailed off thinking of the chain of events that erupted that night thanks to her.

"I'd be married, in a new town, tending to new patients, living a new life." Dwight finished my sentence

"Rosina's knee does have much to answer for. And much to be grateful for."  I look back at him.

"It has saved me from myself at any rate." I chuckle and then there three of us go our separate ways.

"Let's go to the market. I want to pick some thing up for the children." I say taking her arm and strolling through the market.

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