part 1

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"A simple mistake is nothing Madeleine, we must admit that. You can't carry on believing that every little wrong you do, is something that is going to affect the world. Maybe you are something important for our lives, maybe not, but the most important is that you are a person. Isn't it?". The words kept echoing in my head like my head was the great hall, and all the different people, was my emotions and thoughts. They tried to convince me to stop the flood which caused many of them to drown, but I couldn't. 

"Wouldn't you like a bit of food today?". Uncle Remus had been on and off about this every day of the summer, sometimes he even had to force it in me. "No, thank you". My voice broke, every time of every day. "Sirius" I heard a whisper behind me, and footsteps quietly approaching as I still looked outside the window, feeling pity and was on a clear path to self destruction. "Still not eating?" Sirius had been impatient but Uncle Remus had always stopped him before he said something stupid. 

"Still not anything. She's dead" Sirius almost let out a laugh before slowly walking towards me. "Sirius, stop!" a loud whisper and a beg from my beloved uncle, but he knew as well as I that Sirius is stubborn. "You know, once-" Sirius sat down on the cold wooden floor beside me as my eyes were directed to the window still, it was raining today. "My brother, he was a douchebag, even more than you". Everybody heard Uncle Remus's sight after that sentence. 

"Your mother was actually quite a fan of his, she was everybody's fan, she adored. Oh, your mother" I loved hearing about my mother from Sirius, he always spoke so fondly of her. "Your mother hated the way that both of our families were turned to the dark side, everybody but us and her dad, your grandfather. I remember when Regulus turned to the dark side, and Petra was screaming, and when she found out he was dead, she stared out a window". 

"I was sick of it, she was not talking to me, not to your father, not to Remus even. She just stared like it was the worst mistake of her life. But what all of us didn't know, but she did, was that she was pregnant with you". He stared at me as he wiped a tear of my chin and I bit my lip so hard that blood ran from my mouth, and landed in my lap. "She told me that Regulus was the first one she told, because he was the first one that figured out. That's why he ran to figure out something, and died". 

A quiet silence arrived between the three of us as my hands had blood on them from my lips, and my face were filled with blood as I wiped away my tears. "They're dead, Sirius. They're dead, and now Cedric is dead, everyone just dies on me!" I yelled. I hadn't spoken that many words in days. "Voldemort is here Sirius. And he was sent to kill me, and instead on killing me, he kills everyone that I love". Uncle Remus sat on my bed and hugged me, as blood appeared everywhere on him. 

"Everyone is going to die now, because of me. And of him. How could I possibly survive?". They stared at each other. "These powers, it wasn't given to me. It was a curse. A curse that killed my parents, and I'll never, EVER, be okay with the fact that it was my fault" I removed myself from his hug and fell to the floor. "And if I can't even save anyone, why am I here?". A wave with pain seemed to hit everyone in the room, as circles with water same around me. 

I think they were just surprised that I talked this much. "This is a suicide mission, I can't possibly live longer than anyone. This is too much for me" I sat on my knees, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't live like this, I understood that much. "Madeleine, stop" they looked concerned as they both tried to get to me, but because of the circles with strong water which replicated my feelings. "I can't keep hurting people, and I must face the truth" I looked at them both as the thought became as clear as a glass. "I can't be together with him anymore".


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