part 8

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"You want to start a fighting club against Umbridge?" I asked Harry in the common room after they told me what they had been planning. Harry looked at two others and nodded. "Basically". Hermione looked at me, "I was the one that started it, I mean, we have no better fighter than him, and he is the only one that has seen Voldemort" I swallowed, but nodded. "Yes, true, true". Harry came closer to me, and I'm pretty sure everybody could feel my heartbeat. "I know this might be a bit risky, but we must protect ourself. From her, from him, from everyone who is a threat. I mean, I could protect you but you would like to do it yourself, independent woman?". 

I looked in the ground, and laughed a little. "It's a good idea Harry, I'm not unsure about that. I'll consider it" I smiled, but you saw on his and their faces that it was not the answer they were expecting. "Well, we are going now. You know, to the meeting. Would you like to come?" he was so sweet, bloody hell for me. "I'll come. I know you'll convince them" he nodded, as Hermione and Ron walked past me. "See you soon". I waved as my heart kept beating itself. "Sarah".

I turned so drastically that my back began to hurt so badly. "Sirius?" I asked, and his face was in the fire. "Is there somebody here?" I shook my head. "Moony, she's here" and in the same fire Uncle Remus came. It felt like a hundred pounds went off my shoulders. "Please take me home, I can't manage this anymore". They looked at each other than me again. "And he instructs you to not be with Harry because he is collateral damage?" Sirius asked me and I nodded. 

"And now he's talking to other girls" I bursted out crying  while laughing. "You are so in love" Uncle Remus said. "But I can't admit it to myself because I feel like he is listening. I don't know what to do anymore. Everyday I just feel so guilty over being myself that I feel like I'm going to explode". There became this silence where I just cried and they didn't know what to do. "He must stop someday, where I'm no good use anymore. But I feel like I'm dying". 

"Are you coming home for the holidays?" that made me laugh a little. "Yeah, I must" they both smiled at me. "Then we will find a solution, just hold out for these months pretending not to be haunted by the one and only and being prevented to be together with your one true love" gosh, that's the reality. "You can't tell no one! Okay?" they nodded. "We see there is somewhere you want to go?". I smiled as I waved, and flew to Hogsmeade.  

I slowly walked in, and no one really noticed which was perfect. Harry kept talking about Voldemort, and how we need to be able to protect ourselves. He looked nervous, but he talked so well for himself. I knew he was afraid that they weren't going to believe him, but everyone did. I saw Cho right in front of me as we were signing up and Harry seemed overly excited about her signing up. As it was my turn, I smiled at him. "I told you I'd come" I whispered as the words "Madeleine S Stanley" came down on the paper. 

Everybody sort of stared, but I didn't mind it. "Thank you" he whispered back. "I'm not sure I'll be good use with a wand, but we know I'll make it without one" he laughed a little then stood up  and began walking. I didn't join the walking back, I just walked around Hogsmeade and enjoyed life for a bit. Not often I got to do that nowadays. I stared over the edge, wondering if I fell, would the water or snow for this sake, catch me? I wanted to try, but didn't want to face the risk if something went wrong. Is that a sign?


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