part 19

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Isn't it wired how the seasons change, the whole nature change and you change? I mean, I notice when the water is in change but it was colder than normal which projected that something affects it negatively. It was tough seeing my, thing, being affected by what's going on around us, around me. And it wasn't just Professor Umbridge, but it was all the attacks on the ministry, and we not being able to protect ourselves. 

Well, it became a necessity for me and Harry to be in each other near space when we fell asleep. I had no exact reason for him, but for me it was to not get my nightmares. Hermione was a bit upset for it at first, but she quickly understood why, and that this had not so much to do with our relationship in general. But the worst thing was that Professor, High inquisitor, Headmaster Umbridge, whatever she called herself these days, made it one of her head rules for boys and girls to be separated. 

So, two people who clearly are in love, who also have been separated by the dark lord before suddenly gets separated from pink diva monster, yeah, it's a bit tough. Luckily, I bear my gifts and he has an invisibility cloak which helps us much. We had a lot of tests leading up to the OWLs. She would put those questions we hadn't even learned about from HER classes, but she has been soooo fed up with being everything at once, that she just haven't taught us things we need to learn. 

The night before the OWLs was terrible. I got nightmares, but not about Voldemort, no I had nightmares about Professor Umbridge literally eating me alive. It felt like she was going to do it in real life as well. Hermione was on full level hard core reading, Harry and I was struggling, but Ron didn't dare do shit. He just let it be, enjoyed seeing Hermione going crazy, which me and Harry found a bit suspicious. Reading, and reading, and reading, and reading. I loved reading, but she gave us some really bad books which made my brain itch. 

But the day of the OWLs was mind provoking. You had ever student shaking, puking, everybody was terrified of our headmaster. I missed Uncle Albus insanely, where had he gone all this time? He could not be dead, I knew that, he would give me some sort of hint. I mean if anyone were dying, they would give me a hint. I think. And I am thinking about this right in my OWL exam, and it is killing me. I sat behind all three of them, but I was the first one to turn my back. I don't know if I had the best ear ever, but I heard something crazy going on out there. 

I slowly turned my head back to my test, because I zoned out but I already heard her steps going down the hall. "What's going on?" I mothered to the three, and they shook their heads. "Voldemort is coming to eat your head" Ron whispered back, and I rolled my eyes as we all suddenly fluttered of the twins coming in with fireworks on their broomsticks. "They are definitely not graduating" Hermione said to me, and I nodded. "No, not at all". 

There was a moment where there was a dragon following Professor Umbridge, and everybody ran after the twins flying outside. "The fall of Dolores Umbridge is what I call this" we ran after them as there was a moment of happiness in our days of stress. But before I could enjoy this fully, I didn't see anything. It was all black, and something stuffed in my mouth. Oh god I was being kidnapped. That was typical, extremely typical. I still had the cover over my eyes, but my mouth got uncovered. Someone poured something in my mouth. 

PART 2 ->


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