part 30

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She put on an act for everyone. "You what?" he was surprised on my sudden emotion. "You killed Sirius Black?" I pushed my chair backwards, I had no intention of making a scene. The sound of the rain on the windows got louder, and firmer. The water I had collected made it possible to now cause a scene. I could take the grief later, because now, it was game on. My heart was exploding, but not just metaphorically, now also actually. The water flew out of me as the rain broke the window.

I made a carpet out of water, and took one last look at Bellatrix before I left in the worst weather I could ever imagine. My mum would be so hurt now. And for me, I was just numb. But I was free. Until I heart them all around me, I hate death eaters. And it definitely got worse when one of them shot me in the side, and I felt I got a huge wound. Like bigger than I had ever had, it made me hurt a lot. I got the rain to cover me as we went into a field of something, but they didn't see it. They just kept following the shadow that was made.

I panicked, I had no idea where I were, I had a wound that I couldn't reach that I just could feel the blood run out me, but the worst was that Bellatrix had killed a family member. Sirius was my father. She killed him, and I didn't get to say goodbye. Why can't I ever say goodbye to people? Why was my fate like this? But I couldn't just disappear and give up now, I need to find someone or somewhere. I think it went an hour before I could find light inside a home, or a cafe or anything. As I went into a pub I think, I saw a lot of elder men.

"Aye, little girl. Not allowed" the bartender screamed at me. "Where am I?" everybody turned. "Oxford" a tiny elder man told me, and I smiled. "Thank you" so I was in England, not in Scotland. But now it was who to go to? The only place in London I knew. But Krater was there, he would probably alert them. I didn't know any numbers, I had forgotten about where Hogwarts were, and the train was the only true way of getting there. But I went to Sirius's house anyways.

I walked in, and could quickly feel the feelings of self guilt. I heard chairs being pulled, so I quickly walked to Regulus room, and sat down as I put a guard over the door. A bed, some books, I could live here. No, I would probably die with the wound to be honest. I think it was that deep, and I couldn't understand why somebody shoot on me. Did they want me killed? If that went the wrong way, I would be dead and I would be on neither side.

As I walked around, trying to figure out everything, I heard someone walking up the stairs. I was dead, he was going to tell everyone. That little snake. A knock came at my door, but it didn't feel like him. "Sarah?". A breath of happiness came out of me as I opened the door, and my best friend came. "Uncle Remus" I smiled as he just stood there, he was crying even. "Come here" he just hugged me, but he quickly looked at his hand, full of blood from my back. "Mind helping me a bit?". He turned my around, and lifted the shirt up. "This is fatal".

"Tears?". My throat was full, I couldn't deal with it all. "Patch up first, my tears has been a bit messed up" he ran downstairs as a lot of footsteps came up again. The whole order. "Please, not now. You see she's tired" Uncle Remus closed the door behind him as I took a deep breath. "How long has Sirius been dead?". I took out from his reaction that he had read the letter where I clearly didn't know that he was dead. "Since right before you came till the ministry that day". 

PART 3 ->


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