part 32

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A memory got put inside my mind as I slept my first night in a bed in a long time. My mum, my age in a cabin. She was hiding in a closet (ironic) as she listened to Bellatrix and Narcissa stand at the door in the cabin. "The lord has asked for you, you can't just leave like this Bellatrix" a loud sigh came out of my saver, really. "I will finish the project. I just haven't gotten to it yet. I've been busy" mum smirked, and I fake puked of disgust. "I heard how Rodolph took you to dinner, and he told me you were happy" the emotion on her face changed, now she was sad.

"Cissy, what was it?" Bellatrix knew that messed it all up. "He wants me to take you home. You've been happy lately, you know he doesn't like that" I looked at my mum as she slowly put her head against the back of the closet. "It smells very good in here, is it your perfume?", "No" Bellatrix mumbled. A little pause before they were back at it again. "He wants it done by tomorrows evening. I hope you will manage that as you know suddenly chose to take a little vacation". 

"I will do it". My mum nervously and intensely though about her next move. "Are you coming?" we both heard a bit further away from the cabin. "Tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow". My mum stood up, brushed her clothes and was ready to hear whatever she was going to hear. "I'm in love with you". The doors opened, and my mum was shocked, she literally had her mouth open. "Before you say anything about the lord, or about my family" she was clearly overwhelmed of emotions as well. "Who are you going to kill?". 

My mum walked out of the closet, and sat down on the couch. "No one, hopefully if everything goes as planned. We are recruiting new death eaters-", the ones that resists, don't have a chance" my mum finished the sentence for her. "Helios, please". "You kill people, you kill people like me. You praise people like your aunt and my mum. It's everything I am against. When is it time that I figure out that this love thing has been a joke all along, and you are here to kill me?" that is when Bellatrix took a quick move on her as she pointed her finger in her face. "I am never ever going to hurt you". 

"But you hurt me Belle! This isn't right, and something about you should feel bad!" Bellatrix sat down on a chair, and laid her head backwards. "I don't feel bad about it", "Come again?". "I don't feel bad about it, Petra" loud swallows and deep breaths were taken on both parts. "If I can't agree with your way, and you can't agree with mine, what is this then Bellatrix? It's illegal, in every way. And you hide things, it hurt me, you hurt me Bellatrix Lestrange. And you're married? You are cheating on your husband!". 

"I have never loved that man" her voice broke down, but my mum stood for her rights. "I lie for my friends, and my friends is like my family. I can't do this anymore, I am sorry". And out the door my mum was, Bellatrix couldn't say a word to her, just the silence and the pain combining. My mum cried as well when I followed her, but she seemed kind of, free. "I love you, Madeleine Sarah Stanley. I'm watching over you, you are my everything. I'm sorry" I looked at my young mum saying this to me, which didn't make sense. But it gave comfort, I loved my mum. "I love you too" I whispered. 


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