part 2

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"You don't need to do it if you don't want to do it, you must understand that Sarah" Sirius told me as he laid beside me on the floor, afraid for me to break his nephews heart. I clapped my hands together, giving him a quiet scream. "You know I don't want to do this, but I must! It ruins the whole world, both our and the muggles for us to be together. We are collateral damage". Now he held my hands tight, "You are certainly not! You just got this into your head". 

"No! If, as claimed, Voldemort is after both me and Harry, and killed both our parents because of it, I can't give him the satisfaction of being one. I can't let him kill Harry because of me". Sirius was so annoyed, we both loved arguing with each other. "But you can't let the world depend on you. Please, you can't ruin your happiness because you think the world depends on it". I turned my head to look at him and sighed. "If he dies, the world dies. If some other innocent person dies because of Voldemort trying to gain power, then the world is gonna die, because of me". 

"Because the truth is, I can't control my powers. And if what I've read is true, then we are all dead if I have a break out. And I can't let anyone come close to me, mean something to me because everybody dies, and I will kill the earth". We heard a little gasp, and we turned to see Hermione and Ron standing in the door frame with their eyes wide open and mouths hanging down. "This is your problem, but we will talk about this later" Sirius said hey to my friends, and then walked down the stairs. 

"I have no idea how to react to all of this information" Ron suddenly said, and I just sighed. "You are breaking up with Harry?" Hermione asked me and I suddenly got this feeling of guilt. "Yes". I was about to say I must, but I realized it was not that time. "Well, we actually as your best friends, we need the whole story". So I explained, and explained, and explained, and cried a bit, but explained. "I just can't continue, you know. I am going to explode". "But you love him?" Ron asked. The guilt sank into my stomach, and became a virus. 

"More than anything". "So don't break up with him?" Ron argued. "Ronald! It's between my happiness, or the worlds happiness, which one would you choose?" we all knew the answer, "Mine of course!". He was not making it any easier. "Maddie, what ever is best for you, we can't stand in your position because we don't know how it is to bear all of this, but we hope you choose the right thing" I started getting mad. 

"I don't bloody know if I'm doing the right thing! I hate myself for it, but what better could us be together lead to? My happiness? I don't care about it, if my powers lead to everybody dying anyways". I laid down and cried. "I need to get some air" I quickly got up. "Madeleine-" a growing pain kept me going as it felt like my heart was floating. "Maddie-" I kept going and grabbed Sirius's old leather jacket, and my mum's old sneakers. 

"Where are you going?" Uncle Remus asked from the dining room as I saw Molly and Arthur sitting at the table, looking at me concerned. "Hi-" I waved to them as he came closer. "I just need some air" my eyes were just bottling up and my heart felt like it was going out of my chest. "Hey, hey" now Sirius came out as everybody came down the stairs, and Ron's parents came into the hall. I looked around me, everybody looked at me. "Please" my voice broke as I felt a panic attack reaching my brain. 

"Go out, it's okay. Just breathe, breathing is good" Uncle Remus had gotten used to these, the last month at least. "Everybody is looking at me, is it that bad?" I laid into him as no one could see me as I grabbed his hand. "No, don't worry. You look just fine. They just havn't seen you this way, people are scared to see new sides to people when something negative has happened" I tried not to burst out crying as I picked myself back together and was about to open the door as the door opened for me. Harry Potter stood in front of me. 


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