part 20

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"You've been difficult to reach, my darling" I felt a breath in my neck as I opened my eyes. "You got someone to kidnap me, and to drug me?" I quickly asked back as he moved with a knife along my throat. "Don't talk back to me" he firmly said, but let the knife fall to the ground with a small cut on my ankle. He took a mad breath out, almost like it was hard to breath. No wonder with that nose, but anyways. "You see, I hadn't understood why I couldn't reach you. It was strange, you were always so accessible. And then I sent some few little birds to, mainly see how you were doing". 

I knew that wasn't true. "And then I see you stayed with Harry Potter, the one I told you not to" he screamed in my face, his frustration was clearly showing. "You knew from the beginning" I whispered in shock and he didn't look at me. "Of course I knew from the beginning. Harry Potter seems to protect everyone but himself these days" which obviously made me look up at him. As he saw I was curious, he began to laugh. That very, incredibly ugly laugh. It lasted for minutes, and I just had to sit there and watch. 

"I sent Harry Potter a message. He is on his way to death, Madeleine. He has sat his doomsday". I shook my head, I knew this wasn't real. "This isn't real, get out!" I yelled back at him. "Harry Potter with his friends were sent a message, which made him want to go there. He needs to save everyone, just like your tiny little mind needs to save him. Now, you can't make me go and change it, that's too late now, that is your own consequence. If he is going to hurt, that is your fault". I sat there, hopeless.

"Now. I also have another surprise for you. I have held your dear grandfather in my cave the last months. Very minimal food, he is dying Madeleine. Only because you didn't let me talk to you, see how you were doing. I am going to let you heal him, and prevent further damage if you join along side me". Shit, grandpa. Is that allowed, is that really allowed? My heart got multiple knifes in them. "I'll never mean the same as you" was the only thing I managed to get out. "I've understood that, you young people with big hopes for the world, but I'm sparing you a chance to stop hurting everybody".

"I do not know exact when this sleeping potion will work off, but I have work to do. The ministry, you'll find the way there". And as he said the last words, he disappeared. He had never disappeared before, he couldn't just leave me with all this information. Why would Harry go there in the first place? Why would he risk his life for something Voldemort obviously planned? And I needed to take my consequences for wanting to sleep peacefully at night. What psychopath hurt innocent people because I didn't allow them to show up in my dreams?

And now I had to stay here, for god knows how long. He could just take me at the moment, he should've just taken me at the moment because now I'm mad. I'm upset, and I'm terrified. He made this all seem like my fault. Is it my fault, it can be my fault? I didn't want anyone to die, and so what if I join whatever he is creating, but don't hurt anyone. "Please! Wake up!" I yelled, and yelled and yelled until he couldn't hold it anymore. I was awake. 

PART 3 ->


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