part 17

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Back at Hogwarts, and at this moment, it was the only place I didn't wanna be. Isn't it strange that in one moment you call this your beloved home, and in another you would rather live in a dessert? It's not that I'm not grateful, it's just that he can reach me here. I don't know why he couldn't at home, but he can now, here. And he is gonna kick my ass for telling everybody. He is going to try to kill everyone. I think, I think that's how he operate. 

"Stressed?" Harry mentioned as he held my hand. I didn't even think about him holding it even, it was a natural feeling. "I don't want to be here" I laughed away, but he was probably the only one that really understood. "Don't worry. I now know what you are feeling which makes it easier for you to talk to me, remember? Also Hermione and Ron, you don't have to hide it anymore" he whispered to me as I laid my head upon his shoulder. If only it was that easy.

"Maddie, Harry. Hagrid's back!" Hermione told us, and at that moment we ran and ran like it was the best thing on the earth. The four of us just running, as we always do. As we arrived at his hut, we heard the same annoying voice which made me want to vomit. I didn't exactly hear what was going on, I was just trying to get Ron to be quiet. He was like a little child when it came to these things, and the panic came when she walked out. We smelled her horrible perfume. 

It was nice to see him again, he was hurt which I managed to take care of, but he had been trying to talk to the giants for Uncle Albus. But so had the death eaters, which just made everything worse, knowing they are actually suiting up for a fight. "The storm is coming, and we better be ready when she does" Hagrid said as there was a whole in the window. Yeah, Voldemort was coming, and I don't think anyone will ever be ready. 

Hermione held my hand as we laid down in our beds. "Afraid?" she whispered as we didn't know if our other roommates were asleep just yet. "More than ever" I responded, you could feel my heart though my hand. "And nothing I can do or say to push him out?". I smiled as I shook my head. "No, it would probably just make him more pissed". She wouldn't let go of me hand, but I knew how quickly she fell asleep. "Fall asleep Hermione" then I let go of her hand, and she sighed as in the next two minutes she was asleep. 

"You always seem to, disappoint Madeleine" a familiar voice said as I suddenly opened my eyes. I was in the same cave, which the same water between us, no way out as seen. "There is not a moment I regret killing the people I kill, because of the greater good I have coming for us. But the worst thing is that you, most likely the only person with magical powers, choose to stand in my way when you know I can take you down". He was so ugly!

"You can't take me down, you know that" I suddenly talked back to him, and he stopped walking around. "I can't take you down, but I can take everyone you love down. And that is you, my precious. You represent the people, because you wouldn't hurt them for a second" he walked over the water, slowly but directly. "Now, I thought what the perfect punishment was for this little incident you caused" he walked around me. 

"I can't kill Harry because you would break the earth, neither you're little friends. Death is coming your way Madeleine, but for someone you don't care as much about anymore. But that wasn't enough for shutting me out, so I kept thinking-" he brushed the back of his hand against my cheek. "I don't want you doing anymore damage. So, I want you to come to my custody before I kill everyone you love. I will torture, I will cut off every finger so quick you will hear multiple screams at once". 

"And if you dare to tell anyone about it" he suddenly began to laugh. "Then I'll take this knife up your throat, and you would wish you had never been born".


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