part 34

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I was put in Hogwarts this time, but it was a long time ago. Uncle Albus was relatively younger and as he walked past me, he looked behind him. I was creeped out, I was sure he heard me. A second later, my mum came walking with a person I had never heard about. "Barbara, you totally got this. You have nothing to worry about" this Barbara person was wearing a Slytherin coat, and mum was a Gryffindor like everyone in my family really. 

"Easy for you to say, you shag your best friend" I walked beside my mum as she covered Barbara's mouth, and Barbara just laughed. "I don't!" my mum got defensive over it, she was definitely not expecting her to say it or know. "You loveee him" Barbara teased my mum as she got red as a tomato. "Stop it Barb, I am literally going to tell the world that you are going to kiss a  sixth year". "You did what?" I looked up to see Sirius coming behind both of them with each arm over each shoulder. 

"Black, can't you see we are having a private conversation?" I had no idea if they liked each other or not, they didn't exactly radiate any energy. "No, Addington. I actually walked in the hall, and Pete talk so loudly that half of the hall heard it". My mum hit him in his stomach, and he stopped to catch some breath. "I'm going this way, what do you have at the moment?" she asked Barbara Addington. "Defense Against the Dark Arts. I need to sit beside my crazy co-Slytherins, wish me luck". "I'll pray for you". 

My mum looked from side to side, as the classes had started. I though she was the one that needed to go to classes? Wasn't it where I got it from? When I hadn't been kidnapped by Voldemort of course. She ran out of the school, it was a sunny day and it was too hot to wear capes, that's true. She ran, and ran, she smiled a lot. She danced, took twirls as she ran through the woods. I was excited to see what she wanted to show me this time, but as I remember how I fell asleep and who with, I immediately knew who I was going to see.

I hadn't yet to see my young dad in her visions, but he came and it wasn't hard to see that she loved him more than anything. She jumped in his arms, and kissed him on the mouth. "Have I seen you today? I don't feel like I've seen you today" she talked in-between their lips, and he laughed. "You have. Just some hours ago". This was my water place, where I went when I was incredibly annoyed or had to be alone. "Too long". You could literally hear her heart beat, she had grown since the Bellatrix memory. 

Her hair was still the same blond short, and she dressed the same/she was in our school uniform, but you saw the whole of her had matured a lot. I think you really grow up when you have been together with a person older than you, when you are young. I read about it in a book about forbidden love, don't judge! My dad though, he could see he had been in love a long time. I'm glad I got to be in love with the same person I am in love with today, who knows everything about me. 

My dad had his curly short brown hair, with freckles and glasses. I saw he had recently cut it, and I had a feeling he was very proud of it. He joked around, nervously as she said the words I knew he had been waiting on. "God, I love you Alex". Mum was shocked at her own words, and my dad was just smiling, nothing out of the ordinary from what I've heard. "You loveee me" he teased it, and she hid her face in his face. "Don't worry, I love you too, Pete". You suddenly heard cheering from the bushes, and Lily, James, Sirius, Uncle Remus and Peter came walking down. At the shock of their faces, I understood they hadn't told them.

"I knew you two were in love. Oh, you are going to be in love forever and have children and get married, and I LOVE LOVE!" Sirius just yelled, everybody began to laugh about it. "You are a madman that hasn't told me this. I mean, as your best friend I understood quite quickly but you are mad!" Lily told my mum as dad let her down. "Way to go mate" James said to dad got so red in his cheeks. Sirius just walked around the beach, yelling "I wanna be in love!". I loved being here, it was normal. I hadn't had normal in days. 

"Madeleine" I heard a whisper, and it was my mum coming right at me. My eyes popped up, and I think I freaked out because she began to laugh. "I'm here. Present. I know it's been a crazy way to communicate, but I thought it would be worth a shot while you were down there" she stood beside me, and looked at all her friends. "I wished you could have this normality too. We are so sorry for everything. I hurt with you. My love has never died for you, Sarah. No one has ever stopped loving you here" she began to tear up, so did I. 

"I know a lot is confusing, you know that you are soon going into war and you and Harry are the targets. You are more powerful than you'll ever know, but I hope you never get to that level. It might break you. Hold on to Harry, to Hermione, to Ron. Those are family. Those were mine, and I spent my last day with them and you. The gift I was given for everything. You are my everything Madeleine. For your dad as well. He loves you, and we wish we got more time with you. You are our love". 


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