part 27

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"This is the beautiful Madeleine Sarah Stanley. She is the daughter of the late Petra Lula Stanley, and Alexander Theodore Stanley, the ones I killed" the anger that found place around my heart it was about to explode. Just something I could use. "She is under the impression that we wanted to kill her? Do we remember the night of the 31st 1981?". I didn't gladly. Just some dear water would be nice at the moment. "We got a message of a magical baby in the traitors house, allegedly one of the most powerful human beings on this planet, if they were a human". 

"We had two neighbors in hiding from us. I killed the Stanley's first, they were the easiest to kill. They held each others hands, ready to die in love together. They died quickly too. But I searched the entire house, and I didn't find any sign of any child around me. Then I walked to the Potters, and killed first James Potter in the stairs, then Lily Potter was ready to die for her son, so she did. But as I was killed, Harry Potter and Madeleine Stanley survived. I killed Felix Stanley for keeping her safe from us. Because we are the reason you are safe Madeleine. We never wanted to kill you". 

"But now you are home" he brushed my cheek as he stared down at me. "I need water" I whispered, and he shook his head. "Water is for the people that deserves it" my throat was killing me. "Come darling" he held his hand out for me to grab, and so I did and we slowly walked over to the table. I had no idea who pulled out the chair for me, but someone did and I sat down. "I've heard our attack in Diagon Alley, and the bridge in London went well?" attack?Draco's mum was pretty. 

A body was flying over the table. "Yes, my lord. It went well, the ministry took action right away" one of them said as I finally looked over to the body, and saw the man that betrayed us all in the sight. If I had water, and the possibility to collect it, he would be my first kill. Not my last I believed with the interest in me and who I am. Mainly was. I had never seen this man in my life, but he wasn't going to enjoy his last minutes. "Ollivander is taken, and he shall be ready to answer your desired questions, my lord". 

"Madeleine, you see. I collected this man for you to show what bad people deserved as they come to our hands again. Nolan Ralchen was one of our death eaters till he fell in love with a muggle. A muggle!" everybody at the table laughed at him, but I didn't. "Avada Kadavra". His body dropped dead on the table, and I closed my eyes. "Open your eyes". His eyes were wet, his hand was bruised and his head was bleeding. "Punishment". My heart suddenly started to hurt a little more than usual. Oh, shit.

"Now, we though Harry Potter might get a gift, to know you're alive" suddenly there were someone who slit my palm and put it in a glass container. "Let me see if you cal heal yourself with that of a deep cut". I struggled living, was this what I imagined superpowers would be like years ago? "I can't heal without water" I put pressure on this one. "Wormtail, get her a glass of water" everybody looked at Voldemort like he was crazy. Which he was you know, but other than normal. As the rat came over with my water, I drank it all so quickly you couldn't even see me drink it. 

And as a tear got pushed forward as the burning wound was killing my hand, and everybody looked at it like it was a science project and Voldemort was testing projects on children. Children abuse, nothing the ministry cared about. The tear came quite quickly, but only one. I limited myself to one tear, so I had more strength. I needed more strength. As the tear fell and healed my bloody wound, people looked at me like I was a trophy. "That is the girl I saved". 


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