part 10

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"You can't possibly tell me that is true!" I laughed at Cedric as he walked around in my dorm. "It is, fully and truly". "Gosh. I can't believe your dead" I sat and ate my dinner in bed so no one would think I've gone insane, talking to a dead man. "Neither can I, believe me. Some people just goes before their time, or maybe it even was my time, I don't know" he sat down on the bed, but he fell though. He seemed a bit confused himself. "Wait. Can you walk through walls? Because I wanna walk trough walls".

"Let's find out" and suddenly he walked though the wall, and I heard his little cheer as he came back. "But not trough floor?". He tried to jump, but didn't come trough. "I guess not" we both laughed as I suddenly heard a cough. Me and Cedric fluttered so hard that I fell off the bed. Hermione stood by the door and was completely confused by the fact that I laughed by myself. "Hey" I tried to hide my plate, but she clearly saw it. 

"Are you ignoring everyone? I mean, I understand you broke up but it dosen't need to be awkward between the two of us" god, now I felt guilty for hanging with my dead best friend. "I'm sorry, I promise I am, I guess I've just had some blue days. I've been ignoring everyone" I looked at Cedric who clapped, loving my cover. And as I smiled, Hermione just seemed annoyed. "You signed up for the club, but you still haven't showed up. Harry told me to get you, everyone is concerned about you. And you don't tell me anything anymore". 

"Shit, sorry. Hermione, I'm coming" I grabbed my wand, and ran with her. "Are you soon to tell me what's going on with you?" I looked at Cedric as he nodded. "You must tell her once, probably one of the few people you trust". "Soon Hermione, I promise you. I just need to figure out some things on my own, and I promise you'll be the first I talk to this about". She nodded, as she walked beside me. "But can you answer this one question for me?".

"Depends what the question is" I responded, as Cedric laughed. "Are you still in love with Harry?". That question felt like the most strangest thing to ask about, but it was still so relevant. "Yes, she is, Hermione! She loves him more than the crust of the earth itself!" Cedric yelled in Hermione's face. I nodded, but couldn't admit it. "But you can't tell him. Not before it's time". "Time for what Madeleine? You make me so confused!".

"I will tell you, it won't be long" I said as we saw the door. "That door has never been there before" Cedric mentioned as I looked at it. "Room of requirement" Hermione told me as she opened the door for me, but closed it before Cedric could come in. Luckily he could walk though them, but him being shut out made me laugh. I noticed everybody staring at me which made me panic. And Cedric saw Cho for the first time since he died. "Ced!" I whispered, and Hermione just gave up. 

"We are learning the Expelliarmus spell" Harry informed me, and I nodded. "You must point correctly at a mark, or a victim" Cedric added. "Go on". Harry stood in front of me, and as the wand was filled with every emotion I felt about Harry, his wand went out of place, and Cedric told me I did it perfectly. "She must have learned it from a Slytherin, they love to use that one on innocent girls" I suddenly heard from two Ravenclaws, and my heart just sank. 

"Madeleine, stop" Ron came with as I looked around me. "Sorry, those slugs just called me a bloody whore" I whispered to him as he turned around to look at those girls, and they just realized I heard them. "Are you one?" he asked. "No? Of course not!" now I started getting mad at him. "Then don't listen to them" he was right, I shouldn't listen to them. "I am going to get better than them".


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