part 4

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Acting like everything is okay after a break up must have been the next worst thing to breaking up with someone. I mean, walking out the the room to see your two best friends looking at us with questionable looks, and you needing to confirm it, but you are still in the same friend group so the pain must just be there. But when you walk down the stairs, and you see the man you haven't seen in years. "Shit". Harry came running as I ran to my grandpa. 

"Little one! Haven't you become quite the woman!" back in those familiar arms who I've been to long away from. "I'm so glad to see you" the hugs lasted ages which felt like the tiniest seconds on earth. "And you must be her-" I covered his mouth as quick as I could, as Harry reached his hand forward. "Harry Potter, Mr. Stanley" grandpa shook his hand as he understood. "Call me Felix, I'm so glad I'm finally meeting you after so many years Harry. I'm glad you all are here, only the marauders from the past generation, and the one under". 

"Why are you here?" I asked as I waved to Moody, to Tonks and to Kingsly. "Is grandfather not allowed to visit?" he said as we sat down at the table. "No, not at all, but you haven't visited before" and that's when I figured out the importance of it. "You are in the order, aren't you?" grandpa nodded as I looked at Uncle Remus. He wasn't here to see me. "Oh" I got to hear everything from Sirius the day before. 

As Molly made dinner, grandpa kept telling stories about dad, and mum, and Harry's dad and mum, he kept it going. It was nice to see Uncle Remus and Sirius be excited for something now that I have kept on losing it. And as school starts again, they will probably be glad I'll gone to be honest. For me to deal with everything on my own, probably the best for everyone else. "I'll go to bed" I whispered to Sirius as he nodded. "Sleep well Sarah" he said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

I walked past Harry, and smiled to him. "Good luck tomorrow" and before he managed to say something in return, I walked away. I stared out the window. Suddenly I was in another room. I was with multiple animals, a fox and a squirrel which was my parents patronuses. "I broke up with Harry. I mean, I didn't want to, I think I love him more than anything, but he talks to me, mummy. He is going to kill him, if I didn't break up with him". 

Tears fell down my face, breaking up dosen't mean no broken heart. "I need you alive. Please talk to me. Don't you understand? I can't live without you, or dad, and I need someone. I love you, please". Out of the vision. I wiped those tears away as I gasped for air. Uncle Remus came in the door and closed the door behind him. "Would it be fair for Voldemort to leave us alone? I need him to leave me alone" I swallowed and he looked strangely at me. 

"He calls me" I couldn't even manage to say it. "My dreams, my nightmares, everything and nothing. I won't let him hurt anyone but he knows what I can do". Uncle Remus looked at me with the most shocked look on his face as Sirius came in. "Oh boy what did I miss?" Sirius said as he closed the door, and I trapped us in a soundproof bubble. "Oh Sarah" Sirius hugged me and Uncle Remus joined in. 

"I can't continue school. I can't sit here, knowing I can't love anyone anymore because of him. Because if I care, he's going to kill them. You as well, I can't loose you, no" they held closer and closer. "If you continue to love us, I'll promise that we will keep strong". I nodded as I felt warmth in the hug. "He is very ugly, you know" we all laughed. "Love is as strong as our laughs, just remember the good times". 


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