part 28

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"My mum" I heard myself mumble as Bellatrix stood there, giving me my nasty old food, but now a half a cup of water. "What?" she answered, but she heard exactly what I said. "My mum". Louder and clearer as she looked at the bracelet. She seemed to sniff a little, I wondered the reason. A lot of thoughts had gone through my head the last days, after the meeting, after seeing my first death happen. I had seen Cedric dead, but not him dying. My first ever seen death. 

"I wasn't exactly the best person after my sister got disowned, Narcissa and me had never lived without her. I couldn't be more mad at her. I married a douchebag who was dumb, and still is. I always liked my aunties dinners, being at my aunties place in general. It was tiny, super small in comparison to our mansion. Sirius always hated me, he hated the family. Regulus was the golden child of the whole entire familie. He was good at school, he was good at his duties with being a black". 

"But my cousins seemed to share only one person they both admired was Petra Lula Monet. Barnett Monet was secretly a death eater hater, he was also the only grown up Sirius trusted. Edith Amber Jill Monet was a person I admire, and admired. He was my aunt's best friend, always onto impress her. The Blacks were the leading family of the other side, and Edith longed to be seen. Your mum never understood why your dad married her, he would always tell her that love was love when the heart met heart. Your mum always said it in French, to honor your father, alive or dead". 

I just listened, I loved hearing about my parents. "The first time I met Petra, she was probably some few months old. I was 9 at the time, Sirius was born one year before but your mum seemed like a bloody hell. She radiated happiness, which none in the Black family has ever had. Happiness, or the feeling of happiness. Edith was never happy with her blond hair, she wanted it to be dark, like the blacks. She never liked the way Pete expressed herself, and she hated Sirius and their friendship".

"But Sirius was the glue for keeping the families together, Petra was too afraid to go over to the Blacks, Walburga had cussed her out multiple times. Sirius faced a lot of threats during the years by his own parents, and at the end of it all he, he got disowned by my aunt and uncle. I heard Regulus took a huge hit on it, he ruined himself in every way possible. Because when Sirius stopped showing up, the two normal people in his life stopped showing up. Him and Petra".

"But Helios, Belle?" I asked. "I'm coming to it!" psycho side. "One time, there was dinner formal dinner tradition which was so super important for my Uncle and Aunt. All their fancy friends, Narcissa, me and Mr. LeStrange. He had been nagging on me about some bloody ties or whatever, but I had him up my nerves, it was crazy. I hate that man. Your mum got permission from school to join this party. It was terrible, until she showed up" I heard her swallow, like something was going on, and she wouldn't tell me. 

"Belle is a mark for the rose your mother had on her bracelet. I'm glad to hear she used it until her days were final. Helios is the greek word for sun. Your mum was my sun". She wiped a tear of her face suddenly. "He told me he had killed them. Your parents, even how much I hated Alexander, I knew he was better for her. I promised her that I would never ever attack or hurt her in any way, and if I ever hurt you, I'd be hurting her. I will never break that one vow we swore to each other the day she left". Wait, what!


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