part 11

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The last week before Christmas break. Finally I could go back home, with Sirius. The only one that understood. I hadn't exactly written to him about Cedric and that I can see him and talk to him, but I knew he'd understand when I was gonna tell him. I would also tell Hermione about it, just because she deserves it. Cedric had been begging me to go to the club meetings, just to see everyone alive. And Cho, even though he didn't want to admit it. He got me to write two letters, one to her and one to his father. I didn't exactly know how to react him, but he told me I needed to. 

"I see how Cho look at Harry, you can't beg me going anymore. It hurts, Cedric" I straight out whispered to him as we walked to the club meeting. "It's my Christmas gift from you, please" he walked around the halls as it was the best creation ever. "This one time, only!" I whispered as I suddenly saw Professor Umbridge walked towards me. "Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge" I said as I walked past her, and she gave me that bittersweet smile of hers. "Good afternoon, Ms. Stanley. Where are you headed?" she politely and nastily asked. 

"Just some fresh air, all this studying for the OWLs has been tough on me. But I'm trying to impress you, those books you recommended are incredible". She seemed to be actually impressed with me, which got me relieved. "Of course. Might you walk on" she walked that little diva walk to hers, and Cedric did the exact same walk. "Stop it" I whispered as I ran towards the door. "Sorry for being late". "Again" Dean added as I jumped on his back. "What did you expect, Mr. Thomas?". 

"Nothing more than usual, Dame Stanley". "Dame? Where have you learned such a fancy word?" I actually got quite surprised. "Just the word that came to mind when you walked in the door" he said in an extra posh accent. "You flatter me, Lord Thomas" and we laughed like two extremely posh people. I walked past Neville and the twins. "Managed it yet?" I quietly asked him as he shook his head. "A wise friend once told me to point at your target with a lot of emotions, and bam, it would work. That's why it worked on me, at least". 

"Go on" I told him as I stood beside him. He pointed his wand exactly the right way, and as he said the magic words of expelliarmus, the wand flew out of her hand. A proud feeling came flooding as I quickly got my hands around his neck, and hugged him as the cheering felt as loud as fireworks. "I'm proud of you" I whispered in his ear as I let him go, and glow in his applause. "Well done man" Harry said behind me as I walked a bit away. 

"So, that's it for this lesson" I stood in the crowd, Harry was as born for the teaching role. "We're not gonna be meeting again until after the holidays" everybody made a sad noise, "So just keep practicing on your own as best you can. And well done, everyone. Great, great work!" I was proud of him too. He was also shining in the applause. I grabbed my bag and walked to Hermione and Ron. "I think you two are my favourite professors" I laughed as they smiled. "I'm sure we are. Harry do all the hard work though". 

"Marlene!" I heard Cedric yelling, and I turned around. "What?" I asked him as he pointed at my bag. "You have the letter to Cho in your bag, could you give it to her now? I want to see her reaction". "Now? I mean, I could do it later?" he shook his head. "Now, do it now" he demanded and I nodded. I turned around to see Ron and Hermione terrified and I forgot they were there. "I will explain, could you wait for me? I need to deliver this letter". "Only if you explain what the bloody hell is going on". 

I nodded. "Where is she?", "In the room" he told me till I came to the door, and I heard Ron yell my name. I didn't understand till I came in the room, and both me and Cedric froze. With the letter in my hand "To my beloved Cho" from her dead boyfriend who stood beside me, and the boyfriend I needed to break up with for his own safety. Cho was the first one to notice me until Harry turned around from the kiss. "I- I am so sorry" I said as I walked out. Shit. 



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