part 31

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"So long?" they had chopped off several pieces of which ever important feelings I had left in my body. They had learned my true cruelty. He nodded, I saw that he wanted to cry even more. "I need to shower, and find some clothes. I'll be right back" I said as I walked out the door, and into the bathroom. I remember the last time I was here, only happy feelings. Now the only happy feeling I remember, is that I made it here in Uncle Remus's hands. But otherwise, I started a war. The warm water on my bare skin was the best reunion. Water was were I was going to be.

I got to shower my hair a bit, they chopped off a good chunk of my hair as well so now it was less to wash. I got to wash my face, my skin wasn't the best in terms of me not getting my life's blood.  I walked into my room, but on some old sweats and yelled at Uncle Remus to come back inside to help me patch this up. So he did, and we sat in complete silence. "Did you know mum had a girlfriend?" he looked up at me, "like Lily?" I shook my head. "Remember her bracelet? The story about the sun and the rose? She made that story up from life experience" I think he felt a bit confused that he didn't know. 

"Who was it?" I looked at him as I held his hand. "Bellatrix Lestrange". He stopped reacting, he didn't blink or move, but in full eager shock. "When? Did she cheat on your father?" I shook my head. "Right after a party with the Blacks, and it stopped as she was going to a fake friend who was really Bellatrix". "Woah" he said, soon the only of the OG six. Silence. "What more did he do to you, Sarah? Please you need to tell me" as he cut the bandage, and made sure it stuck. He slowly laid me down on the bed, and filled a glass with water as he laid down beside me. 

"He told me he'd spare grandpa if I came to the ministry. Fun fact, he was dead already. I have talked to one dead spirit before, Cedric Diggory. But now I've also talked to grandpa, and got my closure even though I'm still angry. I saw my first death happen, he killed someone innocent right in front of me. Starved me of water, he put some poison in my food to help my body work without water. I couldn't even try to kill myself" I laughed about it, he clearly didn't.

"Who helped you write the letter?" he asked as I laid into his chest. "Bellatrix. She swore to never hurt me" he braided his hand into mine. "I'm sorry. For everything, that he took you, to the countless days you been calling for help, I'm so sorry" that made me cry. He grabbed a bowl, and I laughed. "How many months were I there?" I curiously asked him as I laid my head back on the soft pillow. "A little over three months. It's September the 30th" shit, the last day I remember was the 18th of June. 

"I will just sleep now Uncle Remus" he nodded as he kissed me on the head. "I'll never let anyone take you from me again" he whispered. But Madeleine Sarah Stanley, would never ever be taken again. She knew that better than anyone that I was never going to be taken again. 


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