part 9

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I'm waiting on a miracle. I stood upon a mountain in a snow storm, forcing myself to not complain anymore. I wanted to figure myself out, and if no one was going to help me, and I once needed to take Voldemort down on my own, I would be able to. "Whatever force is in me, I need you to come out, and help me control this at the moment!" I yelled as I warmed up my hands. I blew in them, and raised my hands in fists. "Please" I whispered as I opened my hands, and closed my eyes. 

I didn't want to open my eyes, but I could feel the none blowing snow at me, and as I took the first glanse, you could see all the snow flakes frozen in the sky. A bubble of happiness hit me as I did it! I just jumped around, and smiled as I pushed every snow flake down. "Let's see what else I could do". I stared moving my hands to make a ball which caused all the snowflakes in the sky to form a giant ball which I was inside off. This was incredible. I turned it into water, to ice, to snow again. And as I form a giant ice spike, and threw it to the river, I regretted my decision, and made it till the raining snow again. 

I found that part of myself, the happy sides of my gift. My dad would definitely call it a gift, and now everything I do is to keep myself connected to them. And that's why I wanted to try what I shouldn't risk. I looked over the edge of the mountain, and if this failed, I would die. And not that I didn't want to have a break from life at the moment with Harry and Cho being almost on top of each other, and Voldemort making me not want to sleep. 

But I did want to see what life had in store for me, because I am sure it's something I'm waiting for. Something positive, something I deserved. For having my parents taken out of my life so soon, for not getting to know Uncle Remus and Sirius before later in my life, for not knowing that I had magic, all of that. Maybe life will do me well, but not in the nearest future. Voldemort is on his way, and I'm sure he dosen't want me in his way. 

"Mum, dad, please catch me" I laughed as I stood with my back towards the cliff. I imagined it was myself that pushed me, like I am moving on from the clueless me, to the actually independent me. And as I fell, it hurt from the stomach but it felt freeing. And as the snow eventually caught me, and a smile turned on my face, I laughed of happiness. This was a moment I was waiting for. 

As I laid there, the snow began to move after my command. The bed I laid on, automatically turned into a chair, and the chair began to walk back to Hogwarts. But I quickly stopped the magic when I walked past Hogsmeade. Suddenly I turned around when I saw Cedric, and he ran to me. I freaked out, I began to run. "Marlene!" I froze. He stood beside me, and I tried to touch him but my hand went though him. "Hey" he smiled, and I was unbelievably afraid. 

"Am I dead?" I asked him as he laughed. "No, you just challenged death, that's why I'm here". "Death seems to do you well?" he brushed thought his hair, and pouched his lips. "Is it? Haven't seen myself in the mirror for a while". I rolled my eyes as we began to walk. We talked the whole way to Hogwarts, luckily no one came towards or behind me, or they must think I went mental. But I hadn't cared even, it was the best to be able to talk to him. He is, was my best friend.


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