part 21

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I believe my body was still in shock because I couldn't move. All the emotions ruling in at the same time, and it felt harder and harder to keep a steady foot. I managed to remove the cover over my eyes, and saw that I was captured in Professor Snape's portion cabinet, which also gave me a pretty clear thought about who captured me and works for him. To be honest, if you really felt like you knew Professor Snape, I feel like you would know that he dosen't seem like a person that would work for him. He had shitty days, Harry told me about our fathers and James obviously don't liking Snape. 

At one point in all my overthinking, I controlled my breath which is an important thing in every senario, but now it was where to go. I had-, wait I did actually know how to get to the ministry the quickest. I was pretty sure Umbridge was fed up with getting her hair burned up, and I had no time to loose. My plan? I had none, but I would improvise at the moment, my head could not go over every dead end because then I would be a dead end. 

The door flew open, and I ran the quickest I ever could to see everyone walking around normally. The grand hall was still a mess, and there were students who were forced to clean it up. Everyone seemed to have a great fun with cleaning it up though, and I was glad the OWLs got ruined, because I was stuck on question 2, and I believe everyone found it relatively easy. I got tired as hell when I ran up those stairs, but I wouldn't expose my magic more than I needed to. To showcase it to Umbridge was risky enough which I knew I'd have to do for my defense. That woman is pure evil. 

As I had walked up the stairs as quick as I could without tearing down my insides (yet), and stormed into the classroom of defense against the dark arts. A bunch of Slytherins ran out to get me as the queen bee herself stood and watched. I took them down by the second, I mean I guess it's unfair that I have what I have, but we got to use our recourses better. I trapped them in a water bobble as she clearly tried to run away which gave me a huge confident booster. "Hey Dolores" I smiled as she was trapped as well. "You can't do this! In follow as the law-" a snap of my fingers led to the bobble being sound proof. 

"I think this might not be the last time I see you Dolores, so no hard feelings" I took a deep breath as she look strangely at me, she stopped talking at least. I took the Floo Powder that stood in a little vase upon the fireplace, and then announced my desired place to be. The ministry. Control your breath, please control your breath. I saw another wall, a black tiles wall and I heard people stop talking. As I turned to the left, I saw multiple people. My beloved boyfriend laying on the floor, the escapee Bellatrix Lestrange who look at me in the weirdest way, my Uncle Albus and the man I've seen too much. 

"I knew you'd come" Voldemort laughed loudly as it echoed in the large room. I didn't dare look at Uncle Albus, he didn't understand my part of the story, but would still judge my side. I quickly and slowly walked over to the scene. LeStrange looked at me like I was this goddess, which I found terrifying. "Come my darling". My heart was beating in every way possible, but as I came closer to Harry, I could hear he was struggling. I quickly changed my direction, and walked towards him. Voldemort shook his head, but a hand movement from me, and he was half across the room with no possibly to trying to resist.

PART 4 ->


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