part 12

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"Marlene, I did not know that would happen" Cedric panicky said as Hermione and Ron looked at me as I practically ran. "Blimey". The tears were filling, the breath was not able for managing, and I figured I needed to run outside. Cedric was running after me, Hermione and Ron was running after me, gods knows what Harry was doing with this information. I just ran through the woods as I heard everyone running after me. I just wanted to be alone, I had no idea why it was like someone stabbed me in the heart. 

"Madeleine" Hermione suddenly held around me as a few tears fell down my face. Even Ron held around me, and Cedric tried at least. "You can't possibly be mad about that" this was what Harry was doing. "Harry, don't" Hermione yelled back at him. "Hermione, she didn't even give me an explanation on why we were breaking up. And then you just breaks down when I like another?" he yelled at me. "You left me Madeleine. You don't even love me anymore" that's when a switch broke in my head.

"Are you mental? I have loved you more than anyone in your life has and I still love you more than anyone". I covered my mouth as I fell down, understanding what I told him, and what the consequences were. "Madeleine" Ron now tried to get me up, but I just couldn't. Harry seemed confused about the situation, and so were I. "What?" Harry got out. "He's gonna kill you". My heart was out of my chest. "Who is?" he asked. "Voldemort". And then I blacked out. 

This all felt like a nightmare. I woke up at the same place, with the same people around me. Even Cedric who held my hand. "Madeleine?" Harry's face was right over mine, I was laying on his lap. "I'm sorry. I've been a douche bag, but I couldn't tell you. I can't tell you" I admitted, but he smiled at me. "I'm willing to take that chance, if you just tell me what's going on" I took a deep breath as I sat up. "I'm connected to Voldemort. He told me that I couldn't be together with you, because you were a bump in the way. I think it was because he wanted full control over me, but since my love for you has kept me strong, he haven't been able to". 

Harry looked at me strangely. "Like how?". "I'm meeting him in a cave" I told them, afraid I would risk everything by telling them. "I've also had dreams with him, but he hasn't mentioned you" that made me relieved. "That's good. That's very good". But why is he talking with you? What does he want with you?". I thought about it, and I took a deep breath in. "Me. My powers. He was going to kill me that day because Peter Pettigrew told Voldemort that the Stanley's had a magical baby". 

Harry didn't seem to know that. "Why didn't you tell me? Instead of breaking me, instead of breaking yourself?". I looked him right in his green eyes, touched his soft chin and said the words "Because I love you. And he wants to kill you". He seemed happy to be loved by me at least. "This is cute" Cedric suddenly popped in, and I laughed. "Isn't this exactly how that love story is?" I asked him and he nodded. "They are all looking wired at you" he whispered. 

"I think I got to tell that you're here" my three best friends looked at me confused. "And why should that be a problem?" he asked. "Because I think you will disappear". Cedric looked down, and smiled. "As long as we got the closure you needed. I love you". "I love you too, Cedric" and as I watched him disappear, my friends were thinking I hit my head. Then I told the story about how I challenged death. 


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