part 33

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As I slowly opened my eyes after a good night sleep. Uncle Remus was awake I believed, or he didn't fall asleep beside me, I didn't know. A little knock came at the door as I told whoever to come in. "Hey" Tonks came in with a mug full of water, and breakfast. Real food this time. "God, thank you. I had the best sleep of my life" I dreamed about that sleep, it was so nice. "Yeah, you slept for 5 days". I chocked on my water as I stared at her. "5 days? You're joking". She laughed, but she shook her head. "You slept peacefully Madeleine. No one wanted to wake you up, at least after, everything".

"Take all the time you need, but there are some people downstairs that would like to talk to you when you are ready. And only you, they can wait. Don't feel any pressure at all. You are safe now. I promise" I just wanted to break down really. So I did, and it felt nice. Someone to really care, and be able to do so. I cried, I cried, the waters surrounded me, I hugged Tonks as she held tightly into me. I cried a long time, but it was maybe a very good decision. "Who is downstairs?" I said as I slowly walked down the stairs. 

I stopped. I slowly took a deep breath, I couldn't exactly explain the emotions I felt at that exact moment. A feeling of too much feelings, and too little at all. "Hey" I said. He stood at the end of the stairs, his smile made my heart warm. "Hey. Haven't seen you in a while" his smile was so wide he almost couldn't speak. I wanted to say something, but I wouldn't ruin the happiness that we shared. "No, I've missed you though". I ran downstairs, I was super scared I was going to fall but I jumped into his eyes. It hurt so badly in the side of my stomach, but Harry put his face in my neck. 

"You have no idea how worried I've been, I was just about to deliver myself after that glass of blood" I gave him the first kiss in ages, as I ruffled with his hair. We both looked to the side, and saw multiple people looked at us. Including my other uncle, Uncle Albus. "Hey" I ran to him as well, and hugged him. He didn't answer, but I felt his heart beat slow down. "I'm sorry" he whispered, I knew. I didn't answer, I just smiled. I was just crying all the time now that I had the possibility. "How are you feeling?". 

"Overwhelmed and in pain, confused, but in a way happy as well" Kingsley pulled out a chair for me and I sat down. Every living man and woman of the order were here except Molly and Arthur. "What did he do, say?" one person asked, I focused on the question. "He killed a person in front of me. Slit my palm, drained me of the only thing that matters in my body, killed my parents for fun. He made fun of killing them" I shook my head as I stared into the ground. "We don't need to talk about it", "I am pretty sure his wand was what made this" I lifted up my shirt to see my bandage had bleed through. "Your tears?" Harry added. "I've been asleep for 5 days, I haven't gotten just to that yet". 

"Madeleine, the minster and everyone who was at the ministry that day saw that you were taken with him. They all questioned why, but none of us told him. We didn't want him to make you a weapon" Kingsley told me, and I nodded. "But if you come back to school, people are going to question you. Do you want to talk publicly about this?" Mad-eye popped into the conversation. Harry took his hand upon mine. "He will come for me anyways, I can't imagine it would be better to talk loudly about it. I'll let people question if they meet me, but I don't want to go back to school just yet". 

"He killed my grandfather for information, I just got the message that they killed Sirius, and I felt like my life was over, but I couldn't kill myself because there were nothing I could do it with" they all stayed silence. "He is a monster, but I don't think any of you really understands that. He's even worse than you think, and I felt like I was dying. Staring into a brick wall for months, waiting for an opportunity, but I was weak. I don't want to be weak, and I am not weak anymore. He broke me, and now I got to build myself up again". 


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