part 23

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I don't think I've gone insane just yet. I think it had been 5 days in hunger, jail, hell if you want to call it that. I do, and I think it is a fitting name. I been staring at the same wall for 5 days, and some woman gives me meals, but no water. No liquid, only dry foods which had been poisoned with some potion which makes me get the needs I need from water. It wasn't stupid, I got to give him credit for that, but the worst thing wasn't being down here but it was to be so incredibly bored.

A metal tray with some food made sound under the spiky door and as I was too bored, I looked at who delivered my food today. Of course, the psychopath. "Hello" she talked? Oh, some shit was going down today. My fingers went up to symbol a wave as she stood holding into the door. "How are you doing?". I was so in shock of her asking me this so I didn't answer. "Good, bad, depressed, wanna die ect?" I hadn't slept in days, kept drowning in my own misery of both my only blood family left dead and the fact that I made a mistake that got me caught up in this mess. So probably the last one. 

The tray got pushed further more in, and then I saw a cup of something. It was the tiniest bit of water, but that was happiness in my eyes. "Drink up before anyone sees" she whispered as those few drops healed a lot on the mental, the physical, I mean I don't get good food, only poison and nature is on twisted on this matter so they won't let me win. "Hey" I finally spoke my first words in five days, you have no idea what that does to a person. She gave me a mental smile, but I could see she meant well. 

"Is this some mental- trying to get me to join you sort of project?" my voice was a bit raspy, but was able to breath again. "No" she laughed as she pushed the food further more into my cellar. "Have you poisoned the food more than usual?". "I understand that this might be risky, but you must not tell anyone. Not at all" I nodded as I ate my food which tasted better than normal. She sat down beside the door with her back against the cold brick wall. "Where are we?" I chewed real food this time. "Malfoy's" of course they were on his side. 

"Will they spare my life?" stupid question which seemed to affect her in some sort of way. "I don't know". But I couldn't wrap my head around everything. "Bellatrix, aren't you suppose to be a crazy psychopath?". She nodded, "I am. I am" she appeared to not understand quite why she was nice to me herself, or she wouldn't tell me. Did she want something from me, to start her own army? As she stood up, I noticed something I had seen before on her wrist. I had seen that bracelet before. 

"I got to go. Don't tell anyone about this". I mouthed the words "thank you" and luckily for me, I now had a project to be working on by finding out where I had seen the bracelet before. And as I now was able to cry a little, I did. And I cried up every last piece of water I had left in my body because it never felt completely fine not crying about it. I can't even die now. How am I going to get out of hell? That's a question he will never answer.


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