part 24

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Post traumatic events is something to call what I was living on. Bellatrix came every fourth day, sat in here maybe 10 minutes as I started at her bracelet this whole tie but I still didn't get where I'd seen it. There was a sign of a rose, and I had seen the exact same bracelet with a sun. But those 10 minutes hadn't lasted long then you had been trapped here for 4 weeks. "Bellatrix, how is Harry? How is Dumbledore?" there were less water by times, and she hated that I used them on crying. 

"I haven't heart anything, but you can imagine that pour boys heart" she looked at me as my face were faced down in shame. "Sorry" her hand touched my hand as I touched the bracelet. "Helios". Bellatrix fluttered up as I suddenly got this memory of it. "What?" she managed to stumble up, she looked fully in shock. "I've seen that bracelet before". A little smile arrived on her face as she seemed relieved that I said that one exact word. "Where? Do you remember where?" I shook my head but she sat back down. 

"Bellatrix, I need to write a letter to Harry the next time you're here. I beg you. If you ever believed in love, in young love" she nodded as she knew exactly what I was talking about. "Yes, I will". And as I spent my minutes and hours alone, rethinking every outcome of this war, I drawing with chalk upon the walls, I suddenly heard more steps down the stairs. "My darling, I haven't seen you for weeks. I'm very sorry I've not been able to entertain our guest, but I have been doing important travel".

"Yeah" was the only thing I managed to say. "Now, we have a few months before we declare war. And I will not lead you to unwillingly killing yourself, but I wanted you, lovely lovely child to stay here. Water will come as soon as you have earned it. So earn it" back up the stairs he went with a bunch of his mindblown soldiers. I had almost managed 4 weeks in here, but many more? Would I survive? That was the question I asked myself everyday. War? Because of his feud? He wanted to kill me, and Harry, and everyone we ever loved. I didn't ask for this? I didn't want to be alive even, and they wouldn't dare to kill me now. 

"Dear Harry. My one and only love. Listen, I made a mistake. I thought I didn't, and for the good in my heart, I didn't. But he told me, and showed me that my grandfather was dying. He was the only living family member I had left. He was dead all along, because I didn't listen to his signs. Voldemort told me got tortured, brutally as an evil lord would do. I never got to mourn him properly, but now all I do is mourn him. That was my fault, and someday I hope that he will forgive me. 

I know you are asking about me, you are probably going over your head if I know you correctly. But don't use your strength on getting me home, not now. That part I'll figure out myself. I'm not too bad, there has just been words mentally that's hurt. The guilt over you mostly, I kept thinking if I beat myself over and over again if it would disappear, but it didn't. So one day, I hope that you will forgive me to as you have done in the past. 

I don't have much strength, but I won't give up. Because in the end we have something worth fighting for. I have something worth fighting for, we haven't even started talking about our future if we make it out alive. I'd love to have a conversation about that, because we know that our future would be together anyways. Please tell Hermione and Ron that I love and miss them, and not to worry about me. 

Please tell Uncle Remus and Sirius that I'm alright, not dead. Please tell them that I miss them like crazy, and when I am home again, that we'll enjoy whatever humanity we'll have left after this. That I miss their stories about mum, and dad and that I'm coming back home soon. And to you, my love, this is risky enough by sending a letter, but I love you too and I miss you. I'm safe and sound, and I am coming home. 

Love, yours truly Madeleine".

PART 2 ->


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