part 14

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Sirius's home is my home. It's wired, but I just feel at place here. Probably because my mum lived next door in her time, but also because I love him like my parent. Yet again, a crazy feeling, love. "Your mum, she had other friends than us, which broke us all in half. Could you imagine? There we stood, 5 hopeless guys without their beloved friend like your mother. It's strange your father didn't fall in love with her before, but one time she had been on a trip with one of her friends-".

"She was sad, we didn't understand why, she wouldn't tell us why, but Remus were the one that picked her up from the train station. And we all remember when she finally came home to James's, and she danced out in the rain with Remus. Everybody joined out in the road, she was everyones favourite person. But that was when your dad started falling in love with her. And god, I remember when she fell in love with him" Sirius took a break as he stroke my hair. "Tell me!". I was desperate. 

"Your mum, as I said she was sad, but she wouldn't tell us why. She never explained why, but she was disconnected a lot after summer. Your dad flew her around on his broom, and brought her to this mountain. That was his place, and suddenly it became hers as well. They would read up there together, she would often talk about him, blush when he came in the door. Gosh, everyone realized. I bloody miss her, Sarah. But we got you. I have you, and that means it all for me".

"I love you, extra dad Sirius" Sirius was great at telling stories. Unfortunately I've figured out that grandpa never gave me what I needed, he didn't give me any connection to my parents, or my uncle's, but with Sirius and Uncle Remus, it was different. They understand me on a different level, and now that I've come to peace with Cedric's death, I can finally be someone for them as well. When we came home, I told him everything. About the dreams, about the power, about Harry and about Cedric. 

It's great to have people that care when you need it. "I'll tell you more stories tomorrow. I have a really sad story that I think you want to hear" I laughed as I felt extra sleepy. "Go to sleep, Sarah. It's Christmas tomorrow" I gave him a kiss on the cheek, and waved good night. I walked into my room which was Regulus's room, which also recently had water damage from my breakdowns. I got undressed, and in the moment I turned around, I saw a familiar face in my bed. 

I fluttered so badly, it was also as screamed. He seemed almost asleep which just made me smile. "Is it morning yet?" he whispered as I went into the bed. "No, it's actually night and this is the earliest I've seen you fall asleep". "I was waiting on you, my love" he gave me a little smirk which made the hundred thousand caterpillars in my stomach break into butterflies. "How thoughtful" we both laid on each our pillow, but our faces was not far from each other. 

"You have made me crazy these last months, you know that?" he had this sleepy voice which made my butterflies kick me. "How come?" I was very interested to see where this was going. "People kept asking about you, talking about how you have become a woman, and I just told them you were my woman so they wouldn't talk shit about you". They now were crazy in there. "I am your woman, I've always been" he smiled. 

"Do you want to be my boy?" I quietly asked in his ear as he looked up at me. "I've grown up, I'm a man" I laughed a little. "Just some tiny months more and you'll be a man. For now you are a tiny little boy" and as his smirk became wider and we promised to be quiet under the sheets. And to my surprise, that night, Harry Potter had become a man. My man. 


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