part 35

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My eyes slowly opened as I felt warm inside. Not just by the temperature, but of love. Harry held around me, I think he had done it all night. I had practically begged him to tell me about his feelings last night, I knew this wasn't easy for him either. We had a talk for many hours about just feelings. I didn't care what happened in the summer, or at Hogwarts. I cared about him, I think that was hard for him to believe some times. I think that's why my mum showed me their first "I love you" because me and Harry had found back to each other again. 

We talked about the letter, the glass container with blood, the death of our best friend, he had been bottled up all this time that he couldn't hold it longer, he just ran out everything he had on his heart. But that's why I'm here, I needed someone's else problems to think about for a while. Sometimes I felt like it was my fault, but I choose not to listen to it. I knew it wasn't my fault, even though I knew we both did a stupid thing by listening to Voldemort's mind games. 

Both imagined to being tortured, one dead and one not. Sirius became dead quite quick though. "Hey" I had no idea how he saw that I was awake, but I turned my body to face his face, and he reached for his glasses. "Slept well?" he quietly asked as both our voices were dead. "I did. You?"  our hands braided together, and laid on his cheek. "The best sleep I've gotten in months" I brushed away his hair from his face. He is the only person I could have eye contact with for hours, and not freak out about it. I know him, I know the story behind those eyes. 

I gave him a hug. "I remember trying to give up. But I though of moments like these, and not too be cheesy, I stayed". Harry kissed my hand, and he rubbed my hair so it came to all sides. "Hermione and Ron misses you too. I think Hermione wished you were there, because she has fallen in love with Ron" I smiled to myself, remembering I told her she would. "Shock". He smiled as well, "but he has a girlfriend". I almost chocked on my on spit, I was truly shocked about that one. "Or maybe not a girlfriend, an admirer really. I haven't got his mind, he is mad at the moment. He started quidditch, and he became a bloody star really". 

I laughed at the though of him playing Quidditch. "We got a new teacher, he knew our parents. My mum, your mum and your dad was in this club I'm in, I'm sure he'll love you" I nodded, "But you are not coming back for a while, are you?". I put my head in the pillow and growled a little before I turned it back to his face. "No. Hopefully after Christmas, but I can't deal with everything now. I've just been taken hostage. I don't know how to deal with that" my voice broke a little as he slowly took his warm hand on my cheek, and it quickly relaxed me. 

"Take all the time in the world. I'll always be by your side, everyday and every time you'll call me, I'll be there. I'm sure Professor Slughorn will love you anyways. He loves me, I love you, equally". I gave him a little light kiss as I sat up and stretched. I looked back at Harry who looked at my scar. It hadn't healed completely, I had been too late to not get a scar from it. He traced his fingers along the scar. "It tells a story" he mentioned, and I just stared out the window. "Tell me". 

"The scar of the lovely and the most beautiful woman in the world, Madeleine Sarah Stanley was a story about a woman who didn't need anyone to escape one of the worlds most dangerous men. Madeleine had courage, she risked her own life, more pain to return to her loved ones who was so glad and honored to have her home alive. She was inflicted this wound by the one and only Lord Voldemort. But she survived this, and she is going to survive everything coming to her. Because Madeleine Sarah Stanley is the strongest woman I know, and the world is every going to know".


THE END..... for now

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