part 16

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Those feelings of scariness was never easy on me. I mean, I was happy that I was with him again, but we risked it. I risked it, it was my responsibility. "What are you thinking about?" Sirius kindly closed the door behind him as I cleaned my room. "I took a risk, Siri. I mean, I'm taking a risk by telling anyone about this. You know how badly I dealt with Cedric's death, and if someone else dies, I can't imagine my heart" I complained as the snow fell outside my window. 

"Sometimes taking a risk is smart Sarah, you of all people know that" I smiled as he came behind me and pulled my into him. "I can't let everyone die at me. Not now, not ever. It would be too heavy on me" a lot swallow came from my mouth as I tried not to cry about the thought of death. "Do you think you are going to get consequences about telling us about it?" he laid his head upon mine. "He threatened with killing people, and it was going to be mainly on my behalf. My fault". 

I just felt him controlling his breath as he walked in front of me and put his hands on my shoulders. "You shouldn't have to deal with this Madeleine. But if there is one person I know who is strong enough to do it, it's you. I'm sorry I can't be more to help" that made me smile. "I think I would be the best in the world at snowball throwing" I laughed about that, and he began to laugh because it was unbelievably random. 

"You could probably drain London in snow if you were feeling the moment" I just hugged him, tight and happy. "I'm glad you're in my life Sirius Black". He held extra tight. "And I'm glad you're in mine". I just imagine my mum and him like this, I hope it gives him a bit of peace that we get the possibility at least. "I don't want to go back to school, I hate school" he chuckled a bit as he let go of the hug. "I would do anything to go back to the schooldays with your parents and Harry's parents, and Remus".

"You don't have to deal with Voldemort though" I ruined the vibe very quick. "No, that's very true. Unfair that your life got turned up in that" he sighed. "I imagine what the normal days would be at Hogwarts without him, they would probably be just normal". And so we walked downstairs with him caring my bags like the nice extra dad he is, and seeing Harry in the family tree room. This summer, I drew on faces for me, for mum, dad, Uncle Remus, Lily, James and Harry. Every one who is really in his family. 

"I promise I could beat you in a snowball match" Ron suddenly outed to me as he stood outside. Hermione knew he played with death, but I loved it. I looked around me to see if there were anyone else around, and there were no one. And as he threw the first snowball, he got bombed by me. It was like I had a snowball machine inside of my body and one just hit him every second. "Maddie, stop! Stop stop" and then I stopped. "That's unfair, not everyone get born with magical powers" he rolled his eyes. "Most likely only one person" Hermione added. 

"And you have the absolute honor to be her family, I mean, if I were, I would just die happy". They just laughed as Harry came out the door with Sirius behind. Ginny, Fred and George had already left way before us, but since we all used such long time packing up. "You'll make this Sarah, I am your biggest fan" Sirius smiled at me as he gave me one last hug. "I love you the most". "And I love you even more than that". 

"Bye dad" I winked to him as I grabbed my bag, and walked along my boyfriend and best friends. "It's good to have things back to normal" Hermione told us all as we walked to the train station. "But the fact is, that nothing is ever normal for us" I laid down on Harry's shoulder. "That's true. And I'm sure this half year would do us no good to be completely honest" I added onto the conversation. "But as long as we do everything together". 


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