part 6

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"Isn't it great to be back?" Hermione asked me as we were going to dinner the next day. "I'm not so sure" I gave her a smile. "You broke up with him remember?" brining some life into it, and I nodded. "I'm joking, I love being back. School is my home, not sure about Professor Umbridge though" I told Hermione as we sat down. Yeah, I'm joking. "No, she's a pink maniac" we smiled as we began eating. "Have you heard anything from Harry? How is his hand?" I asked her. "Ask him yourself". Harry walked down the hall with Ron. 

"Seamus is an absolute douche bag" Ron complained as they sat down. "How come?" I asked him as I enjoyed my lovely Hogwarts dinner. "He won't believe that Voldemort is back because his mother says so" Ron rolled his eyes dramatically as Hermione pushed her arm into mine. "How is your hand, Harry?" I asked as I took his hand and looked at it. "Healing" he said. "Do you want help? I always bring a little bottle".

He nodded, and I smiled as I took the bottle and poured the tears I had cried over him on his hand. Magically healed. "That will never make sense in my head" Ron claimed and Hermione laughed. Me and Harry just looked at each other. Hermione coughed a bit, and both of us went out of our transe. "I need to go" I quickly said, and before anyone could react, I was out of their vision. I ran down to the lake, and just yelled as the water followed me around, almost lifted up the whole lake. 

And then it started raining. Did I do that? Can I control the rain? It was all too much, I didn't know how to control rain? "Stop raining!" I yelled, but it didn't stop. I wanted to yell to the world that I hated Voldemort more than anyone, but he would probably come for me as well. I felt more alone than ever, but I can't let my happiness rely on anyone else. Even thought it's my fault that I don't have anyone else. 

I ran through the woods, by Hagrid's hut (which I really wanted to visit, but for some reason, he is not here), I walked up the hills (because I don't run that long) and arrived to the school as the sky turned dark blue. Everyone was preparing for bed, so there was not a lot of people in the halls. And then I walked by the Hufflepuffs, and my heart seemed to fall a hundred meters down on the floor, and splat all over. The lady that talked to me my first day looked at me, and sighed. 

Could we even believe in love anymore? She just looked as I walked with my feelings stepped on again, but no tears this time, only on the inside. I ran over to the Gryffindor common room, and saw Harry. "Hey" I was about to ignore him, but he defiantly didn't ignore me. "Hey" I returned, and I was about to go up the stairs before he grabbed my hand. "Madeleine, are you okay?" he asked, obviously concerned. I saw the love in his eyes so clearly when I looked for it, but I nodded. "Thank you, Harry" he let me go, as I ran up. I now hated myself.

Hermione and the other girls had already fallen asleep which gave me a chance to just be as sad as I wanted to. I didn't want to feel sorry for myself, no no not at all. I didn't want anyone to feel sorry for me. Even thought it's all that's on my mind, how I hate life. And as my mind and body finally relaxed, I suddenly heard the same voice as I used to. "No feelings towards Potter, remember I'll make him suffer" Voldemort said in my mind. "I won't, not anymore" I responded, he was hideous to look at. He walked closer and closer to my bed as his fingers with long nails touched my cheek. "I'll make you suffer". 


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