Scandal - Secret Daughter 2

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Olivia strutted through the halls of the White House. She needed Cyrus and well the President.  She knocked the entered Cyrus looked up.

"What do you want now?" he sighed

"We need to talk." she sat down and crossed her legs "I need to speak with him and when I tell you why you're gonna get me at least an hour."

"This should be interesting. Go on." Cyrus nodded

"I have a woman who has DNA evidence that she is the pre married love child of our President." Cyrus sat back

"Impossible when would he have had the time?" Cyrus denied

"The year between leaving the army and running for governor. You've heard him talking about the places he went. She has everything, Cyrus pictures of him and her mother, letters from the time he was there, DNA." he groaned and rubbed his face "She doesn't want anything from him though"

"Excuse me? Your telling me she's sitting on a journalist goldmine and she want nothing?"

"No money, no publicity. But her mother is forcing her hand, she went to a reporter and he is trying to publicise the story. All my client wants is for the story to go away, for her mother to stop forcing her into something she doesn't want."

"Then why are you here. We could be none the wiser."

"We fact checking everything she gave us including the DNA results, it's one of the angles we're covering. She has agreed that we can tell him and do an individual conformation test. You know my rule. No lies." Cyrus nodded

"I'm finding it hard to believe she want to be normal." Cyrus mumbled "I will get you an hour." he picked up the phone and got it done.


Olivia told Fitz everything she knew about Alexandra and what was going on. He rubbed his face in shock.

"I remember her....Maria. She was sweet." Olivia hummed "And..."


"Alexandra, yes. How does she seem to you?"

"Scared. In all honesty, she had issues and she worked through them either way right now her mother is one news story from wrecking that, whether it's true or not. Look, first things first is we need to verify that your her father. For everyones sake. I am already working on crushing the story."


"I will have someone here within the hour, very discreet and can rush it through." Olivia stood

"Does she want to see me? If the test confirms her mothers. Does she want to see me?" he asked

"I don't know." Fitz nodded

The DNA sample was taken from Alexandra and Fitz then to the lab. Olivia put Alexandra in a hotel room for the rest of her stay. The others did their job and worked the angle they were given and reported back.

"Carter Davis 34, from Baltimore. moves to Washington 10 years ago and works obituary's. Get this his mother was best friends with Maria O'brian."

"So that explains why out of every wannabe serious reporter, she picked him. Keep going"


Olivia knocked on the hotel door and Alexandra opened it. She let Olivia in and the took a seat on the sofa.

"Thank you for the room, and for doing this even if my mother proves that she's been a raging liar for all her life."

"Alexandra. I have the results." She handed over an envelope

"Oh. Right." she took the envelope and stared at it "I can't, I can't open it, you open it." she handed it back. Olivia did so and read it over.


"Your mother was telling the truth. He's your father." Alexandra's shoulder's sagged " Are you okay?"

"Is it bad that a part of me wishes it wasn't true?"

"No." Alexandra covered her mouth to hold in the sobs that were now coming forward

"How did I get here?" she whispered admits her sobbing. Olivia pulled her into a hug "Why would she do this to me? She's my mother, she's always protected me why is she doing this?" she cried. Olivia's eyes steeled over as she comforted the young woman. Once Alexandra, calmed down Olivia left and took out her phone

"Harrison, in the morning bring Maria and Davis Carter in."


Maria O'Brian and Davis Carter sat in the conference room, Olivia strutted in and dropped files on the table.

"I'm assuming you know who i am?"

"Olivia Pope, I know." Davis smirked "Fixer for the rich and powerful."

"My main income but right now my client isn't any of those. Your daughter is my client." Maria sat up


"What kind of mother, shields their daughter from a 20 plus year secret only to do a complete 360 and shove it in her face."

"She deserved to know the truth, everyone does. He's not perfect, he left me." Maria defended

"He left you, not her. He didn't know you didn't give him a chance and that was your call. I know that man and I know he would have been in her life given the chance. What you do not get to do is unleash 25 years of bitterness on your daughter because of something you did. You do not get to prop your daughter up as a loving mother only to reveal your a sad bitter woman who could ruin everything she has. That is what this story will do. Yes it will cause a scandal, the scandal. I'm sure it will hurt him in the way you intend. But it will hurt her too because she will be hounded day and night, called the most atrocious names and put through hell. All she wants is her life, to do what she loves and live it to the fullest when did that stop being enough for you?" Maria faulted

"Now this going to go one of two ways, you freely kill the story, keep your mouths shut and leave Alexandra alone. Or I kill it, you loose your job and never work in journalism again and you will be deported back to Ireland and never see or hear from your daughter again. Choose" Olivia challenged


The story was dead and the two signed a NDA and left. Olivia then went to the white house to deliver the news. She got five minutes alone with him.

"Good you're sat down." she dropped her bag and sat on the chair next to his desk.

"Believe it or not I do actually do the work." he commented the lowered the papers down "Is this about Alexandra?"

"It is." she handed over the piece of paper. He opened and read it

"I'm her father." he summarised. "Does she know?"

"She does. I also killed the story, it is up to Alexandra whether the world knows about her or not. Which brings me to this." she slid a piece of paper over. He picked it up

"NDA really?"

"You know my job, she wants control, something she's never really had."

"Do I at least get to meet her? Or am I supposed to act like I don't have a daughter I didn't know about until a few days ago?"

"She has agreed to a meeting, in my office. Natural ground, after that it's up to her" Fitz nodded

"I'll set it up."

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