The Royals - Brothers Best Friend 3

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Gabriella walked through the halls of the palace with an intention. When Liam came out of one of the rooms

"Gabby, I didn't know you were coming today." he smiled hugging his best friend.

"Actually I'm not here to see you. I'm here to see Robert." Liam's smile dropped

"What? Why?"

"He's helping me sort through some of my parents things that I don't seem to be able to get a handle on, he's guiding me through what I need to do." she told him

"So your ditching me for Robert."

"I didn't come with the intention of best friending today, I came to see Robert for a purpose not you."

"What's going on with you?"

"My parents died Liam, both of them at the same time forcing me to grow up, not that you would notice at this piticular point, in the space of nearly and hour I went from a party girl to a Duchess with obligations and a businesses to run, financials to look after and staff that look at my every move and I'm drowning and need help. Now you've made it abundantly clear you're not going to help me but Robert is." she went to walk away

"Yet another thing he's taking away from me." he muttered and she heard

"I'm not a thing, Liam. I'm a person with feelings, you know when they first died you were there beside me when I needed you but then you just abandoned me and for what? Lord knows." she sighed

"I love you Liam, I do. You have always been my best friend and I know that we'll get past this but right now. Right now you've hurt me more than I ever thought and I'm pissed. Now I am going to see your brother and he's going to do what you have now failed at which is help me to the finish line of the horrid path that I'm totally un prepared for and was thrust upon me." she stormed off to go see Robert


During the months after the coronation of King Robert. Gabriella and Robert had become closer, she had still yet to have a proper conversation with that didn't involve her getting upset or him thinking Robert was taking her away from him and voicing it. At this moment in time Robert and Gabriella were on a ride together. Meanwhile Liam was looking for Robert but found Willow.

"Hey." she smiled. "Long time no see." Liam returned the gestured

"Hey, I was just looking for my brother."

"He's out on a ride with Gabriella right now." Liam gave a hollow laugh and nodded

"Never mind then."

"Wait Liam." she stopped him "Look as your friend i think there is something you need to know it's about your brother looking for a bride."

"What has he made a list? With Kathryn's name on it." Willow stood up and smartened herself.

"No, actually, he never gave me a list just one name."


"Liam I'm only telling you this because I think you deserve to know."

"Who is it Willow?"

"Gabriella, Duchess of Suffolk." Liam's jaw tightened and his expression became hard.


"I know she's your best friend, Liam. But I do truly think he cares for her he practically admitted it before I even knew the name, he told me that there would be no need for the list because it wouldn't matter, he would always go to her." Liam stormed out with the intention of finding his brother. Which he did he was coming back in from the ride with Gabriella.

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