Hope Twin 3

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Over the next couple of years Kai and Anastasia became closer much to Marcel and Kol's dismay . While Kai hadn't changed that much, he seemed to always be on his best behaviour around Ana, who he officially dubbed Angel. Two years after his release Kai did something very un Kai like.

Kai had his arm wrapped around Anastasia as they walked through Jackson square, Ana closed her eyes humming along with the tune that played.

"Angel." Kai looked down at the sweet face he loved, in the beginning he didn't know his own emotions as they developed and evolved along with ones already established. But he had learnt that there was only one person in the world that could make him feel more that his murderous tendencies and that was Ana.

"Yeah." her eyes shone bright with wonder and curiosity and Kai pulled away from her

"You know over these past couple of years, you have brought out something in me that no one ever has, and not for a lack of trying. With you I actually feel things and at first I didn't like it but now i accept it, whole dead heartedly. You know I'm not one for the mushy romantic stuff, but there is something I want to ask you which i never thought I would." he pulled out a small box and got down on one knee.

"Anastasia Mikaelson, will you marry me?" he questioned as Ana covered her mouth in shock. She mumbled something but even the heretic couldn't understand.


"Yes, I will." she answered taking her hand away and giving it to him so he could slip the ring on her delicate finger. People cheered as Kai stood up and kissed her passionately. When they pulled away they noticed the crowd that had watched the exchanged and Ana giggled then looked at the beautiful ring that now sat on her finger.

 When they pulled away they noticed the crowd that had watched the exchanged and Ana giggled then looked at the beautiful ring that now sat on her finger

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"Look at you Kai Parker, the big softy."

"Only for you angel." he kissed her head.


Davina squealed while jumping up and down at the news of her 'sisters' engagement. Ana and Kai watched in amusement at the older girl was very happy at the news.

"What's going on here?" Marcel questioned as he, Kol, Diego and Josh appeared

"Annie's engaged!" Davina squealed again living up the hand that had the engagement ring on.

"what?" Josh and Diego asked shocked while Kol, and Marcel folded their arms.

"so you asked her then." Kol frowned

"And she said yes." Marcel finished. Kai had begrudgingly asked for their permission knowing how much it would mean to Ana if they agreed.

"Yes to both." he answered

"Are you happy, darling?" kol asked his niece

"Very." she beamed and they seemed happy with that.


Ana hummed as she packed up things in her room, very happy since she decided and was old enough to move out of the compound.

"What do you think you're doing?" the very annoying voice of her twin asked coming into her room.

"Packing, I'm finally old enough to leave so I'm going home."

"Dad! Mom!" Ana rolled her eyes as she continued packing up her things.

"What's going on?" Klaus asked

"She said she's leaving." Hope told their parents

"oh no, you're not." Hayley denied and Ana turned round

"Yes i am and yes i can. I'm old enough to leave this hell hole and move in with Marcel who's been more of a father that you have Klaus. I have everything I need, my Uncle Kol, my Dad, my older sister and now my fiancee." she smirked holding up her hand and showing off her ring.

"When did you get engaged?" Klaus fumed

"Who'd want to marry you?"

"a few days ago, life is moving on and up no thanks to you." she shoved past them and went to meet Marcel who was waiting.

"You are not going anywhere." Klaus grabbed her arm

"Get off of me. i'm 18 and I can do what I want."

"no, you have always been insubordinate and horrible little girl, you do not get to..." Ana tugged hard and turned but missed the fact she was near the steps and went tumbling down with a scream.

"Anastasia!" Marcel and Kol yelled speeding up the stairs as Ana stopped with a crack to her neck. Kol checked for a heartbeat but there wasn't one

"there's no heartbeat." Kol whispered looking up at his family who were in shock except Hope who had a small smile on her face.

"No, she can't be dead. She's part vampire." Marcel denied holding the 18 year old in his arms.

"Guys what's the hold up?" Kai wondered coming in, they looked at him and he looked at them.

"Where's Ana?"

"Kai." Kol started but looked down at his niece. Kai using his sped joined them.

"No! Ana!" he took the girl from Marcel "Ana, angel wake up, please wake up." he muttered brushing back her hair

"Come on baby. show me those eyes." he began to brake down at the lifeless body in his arms

"Arrrgh" he screamed and the building began to shake as he held her to his chest and rocked back and forth, screaming at his loss.


Kai, Marcel, Kol, Davina, Josh and Diego all sat in Saint Anne's church as Ana laid on the alter as her mother did after her death. The very place where she had been born and where Marcel found her all those years ago. None of them said a word but shed tears.

A large intake of breath was heard and everyone looked up to the arched body of Anastasia. Kai was by her side in a second.

"Get off! Get off!" she screamed floundering bout.

"Angel it's me, it's Kai, look, look it's me. it's me " she looked at him and began to calm down

"Kai?" she questioned

"Yes, angel it's me. Oh god you scared me." he pulled her into a comforting hug. She looked over his shoulder to the others who had shock and relief over their faces.

"Did I die?" she asked

"yes, but it looks like your vampire side finally surfaced." Kol stated as he came over. Kai pulled away and one by one she was welcomed back. Marcel was the last.

"i thought I lost you." he wiped away the tears and brought her to him.


Ana stared at the flickering fire that was in her room at Marcel's loft She hadn't spoken a word since she came back. she just had a blanket round her and she stared at the embers.

"Angel." Kai made her look up at him and he handed her a hot chocolate. She took it and went back to staring. That was until she finally spoke half hour later.

"Ever since i was born into that family, they have constantly put me in harms way, all for their gain or Hopes. Neglected, abused, Killed. They have gotten away with so many things over a thousand years but this has to be by far the worst thing they have ever done. I know his intention was not to kill me but he did. I daren't think about the permanent ending it would have been if my vampire side hadn't finally kicked in after all these years." She looked at her fiancee.

"Something needs to be done, Kai. They need to be taught a lesson that their actions are not right. For once they need to be punished and I'm going to punish them."

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