TVD - Little Parker 1

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Kai Parker was and is a sociopath. His family had made him that way, but every sociopath eventually has a weakness and Lucy Parker was his.

Lucy was the youngest of all the Parker children, born just under year after Olivia and Lucas were born as the spare pair of twins to do the merge inside of Kai and Jo.


Baby Lucy was a crier. In her first few months she got little sleep that she needed for a newborn. Mr and Mrs Parker were at a loss as to what to do with her. They had tried everything in the book to soothe her to sleep. Not even doctors or any medical professionals could tell what was wrong with her. So Joshua took her to a old friend of the coven. Sheila Bennett tried a number of spells to figure out what was the matter.

"She's perfectly healthy there is nothing supernaturally the matter with her." sheila told him.

"Sheila, she barely sleeps, she constantly cries and it's not healthy how can there be nothing wrong?" Sheila didn't know what to say to him so he went back home to Portland. A week later Kai was sulking once more, it was a given thing these days with how he knew his family treated him. He was slowly becoming wise to what was going on. Everyone was busy doing whatever it it they were doing when Lucy began to cry again. Kai sighed walking into her nursery.

"I get you kid. I would cry to knowing what kind of family I was born into." Lucy's cries lessened as the oldest talked to the youngest. "I mean talk about judgemental, sad thing is it's probably not going to get any better for you. Though at least you won't be seen as a monster or abomination." he shrugged as she continued to whimper

"Actually your life most likely gonna be peachy so, stop." he went to leave and she started to cry again. Kai huffed out a breath and turned back "What? what could you possibly want?" Lucy screamed louder and he scowled before picking her up.

"What?" she stopped crying and settled down into him embrace "You wanted to be picked up? that's it, okay well that happened." He went to put her back down but she kicked off again. This time the lights flickered then burst

"Alright I get." he looked around and then sat himself on the rocker. "Ugh how do you hold a small witch. Wait a second." he put the pieces together

"You have magic, I know you do but I can't take it, why can't I take it I take everyones?" Lucy was oblivious to his ramblings as he held her closer to observe the infant  who fell asleep. "Well what now?" Joshua came in a saw what was going on.

"What are you doing, give her to me now." he took Lucy off Kai. As soon as that happened Lucy woke up, Joshua tried to soothe her. "What did you do?"

"Nothing, as usual, you only think I do something. She was crying, I picked her up and she stopped end of. But why would you believe me?" Kai left Joshua to try and settle his daughter.


Lucy was now three years old and much to the chagrin of her family was attached to her older brother. Kai was sitting brooding, the years of his family actions were coming to a head, when Lucy climbed onto his lap.

"Not now Lucy." he grumbled. The toddler ignored him and settled herself into her brothers embrace. "I told you Luce, I'm not in the mood. Come on, I'm taking you to Jo." he lifted her up.

"No, Jo. Kai-Kai. I want Kai-Kai." she pouted

"well Kai-Kai is busy and Dad would have a fit again." Lucy held on tighter to her brother. Kai stopped hearing their father.

"This is not a discussion Marianne. Malachi and Jo cannot merge. You know she won't survive , he would and it would be the end of this coven. It's the whole reason we tried again and again for twins. Its why we have Liv and Lucas, so they can merge and the coven will be safe." Joshua stressed "Look I'm leaving, to run some errands." the front door opened and closed. Kai was left reeling from what he had just heard.

"Love you Kai-Kai." Lucy sublimed snuggling further into her brothers embrace. Kai held onto his little sister tighter. In that moment he felt like she was the only one who meant it, the only one not to be corrupted by their family into thinking he was someone evil. To the little three year old he wasn't a monster and in that moment it's what saved her.

"Shall we play our favourite hiding game?" he asked in a cheerful voice which made Lucy smile and nod "Alight let's go." he took her up to the attic of the house and set her down.

"Remember, not a sound. shush." she giggled and put a finger to her lips. Kai retrieved a portable CD player with headphones, he had learned that to keep her quiet was to keep her distracted. So he put on the music and she bopped her head to the tune, she glanced up at her brother who put a finger to her lips and she grinned copying him. He left her there on his way out he grabbed some rope.


Joshua came home to four of his children dead, Liv and Lucas on the run hiding from Kai and Josette stabbed bleeding out, and his wife strung up by her wrists.

"Where's Lucy?" Joshua questioned in the midst of everything "Lucy!" he yelled

"Lucy!" he yelled once more.

"Attic." Jo heaved out "Try the attic!" Joshua ran up to the attic and he searched the entire top floor before he noticed a figure.

"No! Please!" Lucy began to twitch as she stirred from her  sleep. She rubbed her eyes groaning. Joshua looked up and a waved of relief washed over him as he pulled her into his arms.

"Daddy win hide and seek? Luce and Kai play again?!" she chirped with a toothy smile.


Jo had tricked Kai into stopping his rampage with a merge , the merge. But when it came to it Joshua held an ascendant in one hand and a crying as well as struggling Lucy in another.

"Lucy no!" he grunted in pain as he was defeated and sent to the prison world of 1994

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