Stefan x reader x Scott - New Kid 3

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It had been three weeks since Stefan had told you he was a vampire and since then you had been learning more and more from him and not just about other vampires. He had healed you that night with his blood and you had also become a lot closer.

You had also not spoken to Scott either or Kira or Alison but you had Isaac, Lydia and Stiles. You hadn't told them about Stefan, it wasn't your secret to tell. Right now you were covering with Stiles and Lydia when you heard your name being called. You turn and saw it was Scott.

"I'll talk to you guys later." you stood up and walked away.

"y/n stop." he grabbed your arm.

"Get your hand off me." he removes it

"Please, I just want to talk to you about what happened at the party."

"i've slept since then and i have somewhere to be."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for what I said." he told you and you clicked your tongue.

"It was out of order, I didn't know  you felt like that."

"Can we start over." You sigh and try to walk away again

"I broke up with Kira!" he calls and you stop.


"Kira, I broke up with her." he repeated

"So?" you shrug.

"I thought we, umm we could." you catch on to what he was imply and you start laughing.

"You're joking right. You and me, oh this, this is just priceless. seriously." you calm yourself

"Not what I was expecting."

"You bet your ass. You think you can make me feel like shit, humiliate me in front of everyone, then dump Kira and what make everything I wished for come true."

"Hey, you ready to go?" Stefan asked you, draping his arm around you. Grinning you nodded.

"Yep." you look back at Scott

"The answers no. Bye Scott." The two of you walk away.


"Stefan! where are you? You were supposed to meet me half an hour ago." you call marching into his house.

"You must y/n" A voice made you jump and spin around, you assessed the person in front of you, tall, dark hair, blue eyes, screamed egotistical

"Yes, and you must be Damon, the asshole brother. Where's Stefan?" you asked him

"He's around. He's told you about me, what has he said." he looked into your eyes.

"Really? Trying to compel me, you do stop low very fast don't you." he blinked and looked at you shocked.

"He told you about us."

"Stefan, get your ass out here. I know you're here, you don't have that much of a life." he came out.

"Hey, babe."

"Don't hey babe me. Standing me up. Is it so hard to text that your dumbass older brother is in town and is holding you against your will."

"I like her Stefan, she's a spit fire." you turn to Damon and shushed him.

"I know I should have called "

"Well at least now I know why. Come on then where is she?" you question folding your arms


"Wherever there's Damon there's Elena, so might as well rip the band off." you saw her come out and she was kind of like you imagined.

"Hi, I'm Elena." she held out her hand and you gave her the judge eyes.

"Hello." you then turn to your boyfriend.

"Stiles called, it's happened again." your boyfriends face turned even more serious

"What's happened again." Damon questioned


"Harris." you told him.

"What's happened again Stefan." Damon instead as Stefan took your hand and out of the house.

"So that's the famous Damon and Elena..." you trail off


"I thought she'd be prettier" you say not looking at him.

"Are you jealous?" you scoff

"of the girl that falls in love with boyfriends brothers. Please. You still could have called."

"I know, I'm sorry."


sorry that this ones a bit rubbish

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