Elijah x Reader - Mistrust 2

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10 years later

"Mum?"  James began

"Yes sweetheart." you reply looking down.

"Why don't we know our Dad?" he questioned and you looked at him shocked


"Our Dad, where is he?" Grace clarified.

"What brought this on?" you questioned tucking them into bed.

"You said you would tell us about him when we're older, well we're older." Grace replied. You sighed knowing the day had finally come.

"Okay, your Dad. Your Dad is in America, with Uncle Nik, Auntie Bekah, Hayley and cousin Hope. You don't know him because I made the decision for you not to."

"Why?" James wondered

"Babies, you know what I am right?" they nodded


"That's right, more specifically a Orginal, one of the first ones to be created, so is your father. The two of us married when we were human and then we were turned by your grandmothers spell. Now when you die and come back in transition, your basically un dead but there are certain things you can't do which is have children. I mourned the fact I could never have any, that was until you two. A witch cast a very powerful spell which helped me concive  the both of you. I did not know this and was shocked to learn about you. It had been well over a thousand years before they two of you came into my life, but the road to having you was not a easy one.

Our family is not the most liked and over the years we have done many horrible things, I won't lie to you. For that we have gained enemies, many who would seek out you and your cousin should they learn of you."


"Because we love you so much, we would do anything to make sure you would be okay and they can use that, many have tried to kill us nd upon your birth you inherited it. Now to answer your question properly.

When I found out about you i was shocked and confused on how you came to be because of who your father and I were. For my faults I didn't tell him straight away but i did tell your uncle. When i found myself read to share they unusual but happy news your father hurt me."

"Did he hit you?"

"No love. he could never. But hurting someone doesn't always have to be physical. It can be emotional, spiritual that kind of thing. Now I'm telling you this because lying to you is not something I pride myself on. Now when Hayley was with Hope, she and your father became close, he protected her as did I because of who she carried the first Mikaelson to be born in over a thousand years and a tribrid at that. But they became too close. I went to talk to your father about what was happening when i saw them two...kissing."

"He kissed someone who wasn't you." Grace sat up in her bed.

"How could he?!" James joined her

"Shh, I have since let sleeping dogs lie. But yes, he did. I was understandably hurt and for the week after that your Uncle Nik hid me away while I calmed down. During that time I decided that I wouldn't risk bringing you up in place where there was negativity and resentment, a vampire pregnancy was un heard of, while Hayley was in the same boat, it was different in that she was a were wolf and it was a nature loophole not a spell that helped her have a baby. I didn't know how to deal with with both situations at one time and not know the risk that it could have on you.

So, I left without telling him. Was that wise, nope but it's what i did. It would then turn out I did it for the better, there was a old curse that loomed over our family one that even before i knew already took precautions to keep you safe. If your father had known he would have lead danger right too you. To be fair so could your Uncle Nik but...

Over the years the excuses and reason have become less and now I don't even have a reason as why you would not know him. I guess I'm just afraid that if you do, you will be sucked into something just because of relation."

"Do you still love him?" Grace asked

"When you have a love like me and your father, it never really goes away. But the paranoia and the questions would have been too much, I would have been worse than your Uncle Nik. Something so simple can ruin a good thing, my loves which is why you must always be thoughtful of those around you, be better than those before you." you sighed

"Time for sleep." you kissed their heads

"Goodnight, my loves."

"Night Mum."

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