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Derek, Carolyn and Christopher had been sitting in Derek's office for a while now. Alex came over occasionally to update them

When someone knocked on Derek's door, they thought it would be Alex again but gasped slightly when it was Tom

"She's in recovery. We took it all out, her reflexes still work, everything is okay for now" He told them

"Thanks Tom" Derek nodded before running off to recovery

"Can we go see her too?" Carolyn asked

"Yes, of course. They will bring her to a room in a bit but you were both healthcare workers" Tom softly said

Carolyn and Christopher made their way over to recovery and watched as Derek grabbed his wife's hand and started stroking it

"She won't need the neck brace, just one for her back" Alex came up to them "It was low enough"

"She'll be happy about that" Carolyn softly smiled

"She won't need it long anyway" Alex said as he looked at his best friend, completely disappearing in the big hospital bed


It was the next morning when Meredith woke up. She had woken up through the night but she was in too much pain to say anything

They had given her some strong meds to help her through the night. Carolyn and Christopher had left for a bit

Derek couldn't keep watch away and a smile appeared on his face when she started stirring

"Shh, easy" He brushed his fingers over her cheek

"H-How did it go?" She whispered

"Everything went well. How's the pain?" He asked

"Okay" She sighed and slowly opened her eyes "How are the girls?"

"The girls are good. Addison is taking them for breakfast and they will go shopping. They will drop by in a bit but Emma apparently needed new skirts because she had nothing to wear to surprise her mommy" Derek chuckled

"Emma" Meredith chuckled but stopped when the pain in her back flared up

"Are you okay?" Derek asked concerned and immediately checked her IV

"Yeah.. Just no laughing for now" Meredith sighed

"Close your eyes, rest a bit more" Derek kissed her forehead

"Hmm" She groaned as her eyes closed. She wanted to fight the sleep, she wanted to stay awake as much as possible. She was scared this time she wouldn't be able to survive. The cancer had spread badly and was slowly taking over her torso

"Shh" Derek whispered and noticed the change in her breathing


Derek was still sitting in Meredith's room. She was asleep again once Derek had washed her. He knew she would hate it if a nurse would do it so he took over

"Derek?" He heard his mother's voice

"Hey" He smiled softly as he walked out of the room

"Daddy!" His two girls yelled

"Hey monkeys" Derek pulled them in for a hug

"Mommy still sick?" Emma frowned

"Yes baby. Mommy will be sick for a while" Derek softly explained "Why don't we go downstairs to the cafeteria to get some ice cream"

"Yes! Strawberry" Ava giggled

"And ice cream for mommy!" Emma giggled

"We'll have to see if mommy's up for that, munchkin" He smiled softly "Mom, can you stay with Mer?"

"Of course, Der. I'll let them page you if anything is up" Carolyn kissed Derek's cheek "Enjoy some time with the girls"

Derek nodded and walked to the elevator while holding his daughters' hands. He let them choose some ice cream and took a seat at one of the tables in the corner of the big room

"How was the sleepover with uncle Mark and aunt Addie?" Derek asked and Emma shrugged in response

"We missed you and mommy" Ava whispered

"Oh baby" Derek pulled them in for a hug

"I wanna see mommy" Emma whispered

"I know, Em. We're going to see her soon, okay?"

"Okay" The girl sighed as she scooped up some ice cream

Meanwhile Carolyn was sitting on the chair next to Meredith's bed. Meredith was slowly waking up and started to stir slightly

"Hmm" Meredith groaned as she tried to shift but winced as her back protested at the movement

"You're okay" Carolyn jumped up and stroked her hand over Meredith's hair

"Oh.. mom" Meredith smiled softly

"Hi dear" Carolyn smiled back "Derek took the girls downstairs to get some ice cream. Do you need anything?"

"No.. I-I'm fine" Meredith whispered

"Meredith.." Carolyn sighed

"Mom, you need to help him with the girls. He can't do it on his own. As much as I love him and as much as he loves the girls, he can't do it on his own. He needs to cut and he needs to live-" Meredith said as Carolyn frowned and slowly started rubbing Meredith's arm "If I'm not around anymore they will need help-"

"Meredith, stop" Carolyn said sternly as she interrupted the younger woman "You won't lose this fight, we're all around and we're sticking with you" Carolyn tangled her hand in Meredith's when they heard two familiar soft giggled approaching

"Don't forget to knock first. We have to be very quiet if mommy's asleep" They heard Derek say

It instantly warmed Meredith's heart. She had to smile as she heard her husband talking to her precious daughters

Ava gently knocked on the door and sticked her head inside

"Hey munchkins" Meredith smiled softly as Carolyn raised the head of the bed gently as much as Meredith could bare

"Mommy!" The two girls gasped and ran to the bed

"Calm down, girls. I'll help you onto the bed" Derek laughed as he followed them inside and quickly kissed Meredith on her lips

"Okay, but sit still and be careful with mommy please" Derek said as he lifted Ava on the bed and helped her lay down against the pillow on one side of her mother then moving over to Emma and laying her down on the other side. He took a seat on the chair next to his mom

The girls couldn't stop talking to Meredith. They kept telling their mom everything that had happened the past days

"Uncle Mark was so slow!" Ava gasped as she was telling her mom about their sleepover

"Even I was faster" Emma giggled

"Really?" Meredith played along

"Yes! Aunt Addie kept laughing the whole time! And we went shopping!" Ava told her

"I saw! You two are wearing such beautiful dresses" Meredith laughed softly, recognising the expensive taste their aunt Addie had

"Can we walk a runway to show you?" Ava giggled

"Of course. Daddy will help you on the ground" Meredith smiled softly

Derek lifted them on the ground and the three adults couldn't stop smiling as the two young girls were stealing the show with their moves to show off their new dresses

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and I hope it doesn't feel too much the same as any of my previous books

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