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Derek had carried Meredith to the kitchen where she insisted she wanted to walk but it quickly became clear that wasn't working so he asked Mark for help and the two men carried her towards her chair without making it visible that she had issues walking

"What's wrong with our girl?" Christopher asked Derek softly

Derek shook his head, he couldn't talk without breaking down

"She could barely walk" Mark told his dad as he watched his brother walk away to his mom, probably to help out with the cake

Christopher could only nod. He watched his daughter sit on a chair, smiling exhausted at her girls

"Are you doing okay honey?" He asked as he rubbed her shoulder softly

"Just a bit tired" She forced a smile

"Maybe you can close your eyes once we ate some cake" Christopher softly kept rubbing her shoulder until Derek walked inside with a large cake

The cake had 6 burning candles on it, on top of the cake there was a beautiful picture of Emma and Ava they had taken only a few days prior to Meredith's diagnose

Everyone started singing happy birthday to congratulate the small girl

"Mommy! Daddy! That's me and Ava!" Emma had a huge smile on her face

"It's so cool!" Ava gasped

"Glad you like it" Derek kissed both girls' head

"Okay Em, you can make a wish" Carolyn smiled and gestured to Christopher that he has to start recording

The little girl closed her eyes, an even bigger smile appeared on her face

"I made a wish!" Emma yelled

"Well what did you wish for?" Mark chuckled

"That mommy gets better" Emma smiled at her mother as some had to wink away a few tears, others were completely silent

Meredith grabbed Emma's hand and squeezed it softly

"I love you honey" Meredith kissed her daughter's hand

"Daddy you have to cut the cake!" Emma smiled

"Okay honey" Derek chuckled, grabbed the knife and cutted the cake

Derek had served everyone a piece of cake, except for Merediths, of course but Emma didn't like that

"Mommy, you need to take a piece!" Emma frowned

"Honey, we told you about mommy's stomach. It's not really working for now" Derek sighed as he quietly tried to explain

"But mommy hasn't even tried" Emma frowned

"I can try" Meredith softly nodded

She saw people looking at her in concern but fighted against is

"Der?" She asked her husband

"Mer, I'm not sure-" He started but she didn't let him finish. Her still shaking hand reached for the knife to cut a little piece of cake. When Derek saw how badly her hand was shaking he placed his hand over hers and helped her take a piece

Meredith then softly reached for her spoon and scooped up a small piece. The others were casually trying to continue their piece but concern took over

"Isn't it the bestest cake you ever had?" Emma giggled

"It's very good" Meredith nodded after she swallowed the small piece

"You should try the strawberries!" Ava smiled

"I-I will" Meredith nodded and played a bit with the food on her plate, scared of taking another bite as she felt her stomach already protesting against it

By the time the girls were done Meredith had eaten a quarter of a strawberry. It felt as if knives were stabbing in her stomach, or at least the small part that was left

"Okay Em, Ava, we have a present for you!" Amelia spoke up as she noticed Meredith was getting more pale every minute while sweat was resting on her forehead

Derek scooped up Meredith and brought her to the bathroom

"How does your stomach feel?" Derek asked concerned

"Just- It's okay" She breathed through the pain

"Dammit Mer-" His voice cracked, tears streamed down his face "Be honest with me, please" He begged her

"Just.. my stomach" She whispered before she started gagging

"Here you go" Derek grabbed a bucket and held it in front of her but she didn't actually throw up

"Der, Mer, is everything okay?" They recognised Mark's voice

"We'll be out in a bit" Derek assured them

"I'll go put your meds ready, Mer" Mark said and they heard him walk away

"Why did you try to eat cake? Derek asked as tears appeared in his eyes

"I had to try. Emma wanted me to try" Meredith sobbed in his arms

"Shh" Derek kissed the top of her head

"We need to go back" Meredith sighed

"Are you feeling a bit better?" Derek rubbed her back

"I want something for the pain but not too strong, I don't wanna be knocked out today" She quietly told him

"Let's bring you back to the living room" Derek said and scooped her up in his arms

He placed her down on the couch and saw the girls running towards them

"Mommy! Daddy!" Ava ran as fast as she could

"Auntie Amelia bought us onesies for the restaurant tomorrow!" Emma explained

"Really?" Derek smirked

"I'll be a zebra!" Ava smiled

"What did you get, honey?" Meredith asked Emma

"A lion!!" Emma smiled

"Wow you two will look so cool tomorrow" Meredith smiled

"Can I open the other presents now?" Emma asked with a huge smile

"Of course. Let's gather everyone together for a moment" Derek stood up and asked everyone to join them

Mark took a seat next to Meredith as they were watching how everyone gave their present to Emma. Derek was helping her with unwrapping the gifts while Amelia and Carolyn were collecting the wrapping paper

"She looks so much like you" Mark commented

"I'm happy they had a nice day. They deserve this" Meredith sighed

"How are you feeling?" Mark asked, being protective of his sister

"I'm doing okay. My stomach still hurts but seeing them smile makes me happy" Meredith kept looking at her daughters until she looked Mark in his eyes "Are you and Addie planning on kids?" Meredith asked softly

"We don't know yet. I think she wants them but I'm just not sure if I can do that" Mark admitted

"Markie, I've seen how close you are with me and Derek's kids, you really don't have to doubt yourself" Meredith squeezed his hand

"I don't know. It scares me that we have no control about the things that happen" He sighed

"I know" Meredith sighed and felt her brother's arms wrap around her "But kids are the most beautiful things, especially when you made them with the person you love the most"

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