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Emma wanted to see her mom. As she ran away from her dad she saw her older sister running towards him so Emma decided to sneak upstairs. She carefully climbed the stairs and sneaked into the room Meredith and Derek were staying in

Emma looked at her mother laying down on the bed. She got a bit scared to see her mommy so pale and fragile. Emla quickly hid in the closet as she heard her nana return

"Meredith sweetie, can you wake up for a minute?" Carolyn softly asked

"W-What?" Meredith weakly asked

"I have your meds here" Carolyn smiled softly

"G-Good-" Meredith started to say but started coughing

"It's okay, dear" Carolyn rubbed her back softly and helped her sit up so she could take her meds

"Wanna see the girls" Meredith said again

"I know. Derek is just scared but he'll bring them up in a bit, I'm sure" Carolyn kissed Meredith's forehead and adjusted Meredith's scarf

"Thanks mom" Meredith sighed but winced as pain ripped through her abdomen once more "Awww"

"Stomach?" Carolyn frowned and rubbed Meredith's arm

"Yeah" Meredith sobbed in pain

"Oh sweetie, shh" Carolyn hated seeing her in pain

"It hurts so much mom" Meredith whined

"Do you wanna rest a bit more?" Carolyn asked and watched as Meredith nodded in agreement "Derek will be back soon, maybe that will help"

"Girls" She didn't give up

"I'll talk to him about it. Now sleep" Carolyn kissed Meredith's forehead once more before leaving the room quietly

"Mommy-" Emma whimpered from the spot she was hiding and quietly climbed onto the bed with some difficulty. She crawled underneath the blankets and as close as possible to her mom

"Em?" Meredith asked quietly but got no response, at least no words. She felt the little girl clutching her sweater. Meredith used some of her last strength to hold her daughter close "I love you Emmie"

"Love you too mommy" Emma whispered and the two of them fell asleep

Meanwhile downstairs there was a bit of panic as they had no idea where Emma was

"Derek, stay calm. We'll find her" Christopher softly said

"Everything is going wrong!" Derek forced back sobs

"You go check upstairs, I'll look downstairs and Christopher will look outside" Carolyn softly said

"Em, please" Derek was calling out for her but tried to be as quiet as possible so he wouldn't worry Meredith

Derek opened the door of the room the girls were staying in. He looked everywhere but couldn't find her. He heard Meredith whimper as he walked through the hallway and went to check on her

"Shh, it's okay" Derek heard his youngest daughter whisper

"Em?" Derek breathed

"Sorry" Emma whispered and just hid more into her mother's arms

"It's okay" Derek nodded quickly and rubbed Meredith's arm until the pain became less bad

"Miss mommy" Emma whimpered

"I know, munchkin. Come here" Derek opened his arm but she shook her head and clutched her mother's sweater even tighter


Meredith was asleep while Derek, Ava and Emma were lounging on the bed. Emma had refused to let go of her mother

"D-Der-" Meredith started coughing once more

"What's wrong?"

"D-Don't feel good" Meredith whispered as she didn't wanna worry the girls

"What do you mean?" Derek immediately sat up

"Chest hurts" She closed her eyes

"Mer, let me take a look!" Derek quickly grabbed his stethoscope and started listening to her lungs

"Mommy okay?" Emma whispered with a tiny voice

"I'm okay" Meredith weakly grabbed Emma's tiny hand

"Let me give you some more oxygen" Derek frowned and immediately made sure the oxygen was up "Mom!" Derek yelled as he opened the door of their bedroom, not daring to leave the room

The girls seemed to feel that something was going on as Emma started whimpering as she kept holding onto her mom for dear life

"Daddy?" Ava frowned as he stuffed up Meredith with some pillows

"Shh honey. Nana will be here in a second" Derek tried to keep them calm

"Derek, did you call out for us?" Carolyn softly knocked on the door

"Mom, her lungs- I-" Derek shook his head as he started to panic

"Derek?" His father walked in

"Honey, can you take a look at Meredith's lungs?" Carolyn asked Christopher

"Of course" Christopher frowned and took the stethoscope from Derek

"Sweeties, you should go to bed" Derek said and lifted Ava in his arms but when he tried to pick up Emma his youngest girl became hysterical

"Noo! Don't touch me!" Emma screamed and started kicking Derek with her tiny little legs, accidentally bumping against Meredith a few times

"T-They're g-good" Meredith frowned as she saw the girls' faces

"Oh-" Derek sighed and didn't know what to do. His heart broke

"Okay girls but you need to calm down" Christopher rubbed their backs

"Mommy" Emma whimpered

"Shh, it's okay" Meredith weakly forced out as she was shocked of how the girls reacted

"Derek, what do you think?" Christopher asked as he frowned

"Not good, heh?" Derek asked and his dad shook his head "We should bring her in?" Derek asked

"No, please" Meredith looked at her husband

"Mer, I guess you caught pneumonia. You know that your treatment killed you white blood counts which-" Christopher started

"Makes me a big risk for infections. I'm aware" She finished

"Mommy, you need to go back to the hospital?" Ava frowned

"No!" Emma screamed

"I'll call Dr Bailey" Carolyn said and walked out

"Derek, I wanna stay home. I'll be fine" Meredith breathed

"Mer, I rather don't take any risks" Derek rubbed her shoulder

"D-Der" She sputtered as her hand was resting on her chest, worry easily able to see in her eyes

"Mer?" Derek frowned and helped her sit up a tiny bit more "Mom, call an ambulance!"

"No- No ambulance" She sighed

"Mer, that's the quickest option" Derek tried

"Derek, I'm not an emergency, I don't wanna take the ambulance or paramedics from anyone" She softly replied once Derek helped her sit up a bit more

"You're not taking anything from anyone, you need to see a doctor" Derek said sternly "Bailey said to bring you in if it had gotten worse, this is worse"

Okay here y'all go, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm gonna try to write this weekend for my other books, just not really feeling like it for now but it will get better :))

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